Part of the sexual revolution is: pornography, sexual tourism, mail order brides, human trafficking, & divorce. All legislation is ignoring or supporting these avenues that promote the long road of crimes against God and mankind that happen prior to abortion.I do agree with this. But why is fornication so prevalent? Two factors—contraception, and the sexual revolution. Ultimately, more contraception leads to more abortion, as does the sexual revolution.
But reversing those two factors will require a major cultural shift, both societal and personal.
Americans have always been more approving of restrictions on abortion than the SCOTUS allows. The question is whether they are willing to change their views on fornication. Free sex means dead babies.
At my PTA meeting, the dad’s were confused on why the school had a medical presentation on mental disorders, elementary school. The principal did a good recap, but another dad said under his breath, “ten year old boys are the fastest growing suicide rate”. There are many who say 10 years old is when most boys get hooked to pornography. Is there a correlation here? Then other articals indicate that girls are expected to give BJ’s before kissing from there peers. Yet, the Church, community, & government is blind to this. If the sexual revolution is brought back abortion will naturally drop. Men and women will not longer be tarnishing their souls, causing division amongst the sexes, & increase human dignity.
Ney Sayers will yell, " Pornography is protected by the first amendment". There are ways of bringing in the reigns of this evil beast without damaging this right. Taxation, age restrictions tightened, and other small legal avenues can make a difference … but all anyone is concerned about is when it’s too late and a woman’s heart has been hardened, & the burden of the whole decision is placed upon her. I ask you, where was Adam when the serpent tempted Eve?