On the contrary, when Jesus talked about the two greatest commandments, he said “The second is like it: You shall love your neighbor as yourself.” (Matt. 22:39). Accordingly, Thomas Aquinas commenting on this says “Whence it seems to follow that man’s love for himself is the model of his love for his neighbor. But the model exceeds the copy. Therefore, out of charity, a man ought to love himself more than his neighbor” (ST, Part II-II, Q, 26, art. 4). Aquinas says that there is an order in charity. First, we ought to love God more than ourselves. Second, ourselves. Third, our neighbor. He also says that we ought to love our neighbor more than our own body of which Jesus is the prime example of this.**In His humanity **Jesus loved us more than Himself. Of that there is no doubt at all. Divine attributes did not apply to Him when He was on this earth. He was a man like us in all things but sin.