“Why are you separating the love of those who treat you well from the love of God?
I consider someone asking me if I’m okay and if I need anything when I’m visibly upset to be an unambiguous signal of God’s love. That person isn’t being forced by God to talk to me, but the source of their goodwill ultimately derives from God.”
I would consider that kind act an unambiguous signal of that person’s love for me, not God’s. Human beings can love without the concept of God. Sounds like yours is love by proxy.
I do not believe that the source of all that we consider good is God. Mother Teresa’s goodness came from Mother Teresa.
If you asked Mother Teresa where her goodness came from, she would tell you all that is good comes from God. However, the good that she did required the free will to do good on her part. God can do good without our help, but I’m sure He prefers when we want to do good as well. Her doing good was her acting in accordance with the will of God.
If you consider God to be personally invested in each moment of our lives, His presence is visible everywhere you look. Your issue with what I said lies in thinking I’m saying that nothing good is a result of that person, it’s all from God. That isn’t what I’m saying at all. A person who is acting in accordance with God’s Will, knowingly or not, is doing something good. A person who is doing something good, knowingly or not, is acting in accordance with God’s Will.
But that person’s will is just as necessary in the equation. My parents love me because
they choose to do so. Their love is obviously evident, I didn’t think that needed to be said. But their love for me is a reflection of God’s own love for me, which I can see in the love of my parents.
It’s a logical conclusion. God created my parents yes? God created me, my girlfriend, my friends. He gave us the ability to love each other, and the command to love each other as He has loved us. I’m not claiming that my parents don’t love me, only God does. I’m literally just saying that
both parties express that at the same time. It’s not God loving me by proxy. God is omnipresent. God loves me independent of my parents. Yet He also loves me through them, the care they take of me, the sacrifices they make for me. Through their selflessness, God makes His presence in my life known, just as they are making their love for me known. I don’t see why you consider these things to be mutually exclusive.
Human beings can certainly love without the concept of God. We were made for this purpose. An atheist doesn’t need to be Christian or Catholic or Hindu or Jewish to be able to love people.
However, love is impossible without God. They don’t have to believe in Him to be able to love others, but that doesn’t mean He is not the reason they are able to do so in the first place. Unless you want to argue that we can somehow exist without God, which is against Catholic doctrine, I don’t see how this doesn’t make sense to you, at least conceptually.