Can you be a Catholic and a nationalist?

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I agree. Best thing that could happen in the world is for all the major powers to be broken up into smaller countries.
Could be… However, the way things have been going, along with the Fact that yes, one day, the AntiChrist shall show his face - which in turn shall signal the Awaited Return of Jesus Christ - the probability of what you claim might be best actually occurring - is most likely very small.

It’s not a terrible Idea to have one planet - one peoples - all nice to one another - under the governance of a genuinely Benevolent leader and yes friend -

But it’s another thing to be under a cruel and total Dictator

Matthew 22:17-22 Tell us therefore, What thinkest thou? Is it lawful to give tribute unto Caesar, or not?
But Jesus perceived their wickedness, and said, Why tempt ye me, ye hypocrites?
Shew me the tribute money. And they brought unto him a penny.
And he saith unto them, Whose is this image and superscription?
They say unto him, Caesar’s. Then saith he unto them, Render therefore unto Caesar the things which are Caesar’s; and unto God the things that are God’s.
When they had heard these words, they marvelled, and left him, and went their way.
Like all political ideologies, there will be some die-hards and moderates. It depends on how involved you are with nationalism.
It’s not a terrible Idea to have one planet - one peoples - all nice to one another - under the governance of a genuinely Benevolent leader and yes friend -
It’s a terrible idea if you think it possible.
It’s a terrible idea if you think it possible.
Not on this current planet whereby Satan’s minions are very hard at work at their Agendae

In the New Earth to come? Yes. . It shall be…

The last time nationalists got involved with the Church, King Henry dissolved the monastaries.
Nationalism means something completely different to Americans than for most of the world.
If you’re Catholic, can you support Scottish independence? Catalan independence? Quebec separatism? Irish reunification? All of these are nationalist movements.
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It is an awful idea.
awful, Full of Awe… ?

It’d be keen were you to provide some context for understanding…

Since that scenario lies in our Future, why the long face?

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No, calling these independence movements nationalists is not quite accurate, imo.
Assuming you’re American, you underscored how the term has different meanings, primarily America compared to everywhere else. Separatists are called nationalists or are interchangeable elsewhere because they want to create their own nations.

It also underscores the fact America should create its own language called American. It’s not a bad idea. The English will stop claiming Americans are “butchering” the English language. On the other hand, they’ll then just claim “American” is a copycat language.
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The latest attempt to unify the world by eliminating nation-states, is a work in progress but also predicted in the book of revelation. It was God’s idea to have nation-states as far back as Genesis 11:6 when the people tried to exalt and unify humanity for self glory.

But God confused their languages and dispersed the people to every corner of the world. God made the nations and their languages from the Genesis 11 narrative and will return to judge each nation, Mt.25. Today’s Globalism is a counter move against God himself but it will not succeed.
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Nationalism can be as simple as understanding how some who are in nations which have been nations for centuries . do not want to be absorbed into a smaller unit - such as e.g. the EU or the One World Gov’t

Globalism and Internationalism can be realized as combatting nation-alism.
Assuming you’re American, you underscored how the term has different meanings, primarily America compared to everywhere else. Separatists are called nationalists or are interchangeable elsewhere because they want to create their own nations.

It also underscores the fact America should create its own language called American. It’s not a bad idea. The English will stop claiming Americans are “butchering” the English language. On the other hand, they’ll then just claim “American” is a copycat language.
Yep! One man’s meat is another man’s poi son…
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