=Sola Gratia UT;11773189]Pat,
I appreciate your concern with facts, if this post does not fullfill with that goal in mind let me know im long winded!!!
Well let us start with quotes from scripture. Matthew 16:18 Our Savior talks about the “Church” not being overcome by the gates of Hades/hell; and of course the grave can not overcome the Church sin, death, and the devil are nailed to the cross with Christ. But is the “Church” Christ refers to brick and mortar? Is it found in a Roman Catholic parish in Hamburg; or is it at the First Presbyterian Church in Corpus Christi, Texas; or maybe its a charismatic Pentecostal meeting hall in Salem, Oregon. If we read just before verse 18 we see a most simple statement of Gospel. Matthew 16:15-18a " ‘But what about you?’ he asked. who do you say I am?’ Simon Peter answered ‘You are the Christ, the Son of the living God.’ Jesus replied, blessed are you, Simon son of Jonah, for this was not revealed to you by flesh and blood, but by my Father in heaven. And I tell you that you are Peter, and on this rock I will build my church,". Jesus after even earlier in the chapter warning his disciples about the yeast of the Pharisees and Sadducees, and not being happy with their lack of understanding then calls Peter blessed (note its not because of anything he is taught by teachers of the Law, rather its his statement of faith revealed by the Father). So Peter and the rest of the disciples apart from God lack understanding. We see in verse 18 what Christ built the Church on, on Peter’s simple statement (and still a gift from the Father and not of his own accord) “You are the Christ, the Son of the Living God.” So Peter is called blessed because he believes Jesus is the Christ. Jesus will build his church on this rock of faith. And the gates of hell will not prevail over it. So from this we can say with assurance that those who believe in Jesus like Peter are blessed, that they belong to the Church, and hell will not overcome them. Christ is the head of the Church (body) we (who believe) are its members. He is the Vine we the branches. I’m a member of “Church” by belief in the one faith, I practice my faith in every aspect of my life including inside a brick and mortar church building. From now until the day of judgement can hell overcome the church/faith in my heart? Yes, if I don’t stay connected to the life giving Word of God (Jesus) through Scriptures and Sacrament the yeast of the PHARISEES and ultimately the gates of hell may overcome that rock of faith. However the entire “Church” all those that believe will never be overcome. Interesting that when the Bible speaks of false teaching, teachers, and prophets its almost always from within the “Church” which are examples of the gates of hell overcoming an Individual’s faith if they had any to begin with. The question: is every one who says they are Catholic (universal) true believers in Christ? No, but that answer is the same for all churches including the Lutheran church I attend. The problem is if there is practice or dogma that contradicts God’s Word in the church I attend its a threat to my faith. I could attend many churches hear the gospel and receive sacraments to varying degrees. But if false doctrine is present it should be resisted, rejected, and finally avoided if all else fails. My earnest suggestion my friend would be for you to read the 95 theses (statements) Luther posted. iIf nothing more than for you to see that indulgences were one of 95 separate issues that he felt based on his study of Scripture needed some attention. Another example was just a little thing about the doctrine of justification. Moving forward I’m a member of a confessional Lutheran church body. A quote I saw once that I feel is slightly accurate is we are to Protestant to be Catholic, and to Catholic to be Protestant! I understand the distinction between tradition and practice from dogma. In fact many of the of traditions and practices are identical. Sadly my church would probably would have kept many more of them if treatment by some Catholics in the early centuries after the reformation had not made many Lutherans anti-catholic!!! The problem is when some practice becomes dogma that is contradictory to the Gospel. Show me the word priest in English, Greek, or Latin outside of the book of Hebrews (and those references are all directly to Christ). Wait the new testament says Christ is my high Priest my intercessor, apparently the Son of God failed his job therefore I need need a sinful priest to re-sacrifice him every mass to mediate for me. Wait the bible says Christ is my Prophet and King, he must have abdicated his throne and stopped dispensing grace, because there is a sinful man who sits on a throne in the Vatican who can write cannon law (infallible will of God). If we are not careful “Theokotos” Mother of God won’t be an amazing blessing she was given to bear the Christ child, but a blessing she gives by being co-mediatrix/redemptrix. Hey hold the phone I believe that is the 4th or 5th Marian dogma being lobbied for in the church. What’s next using a St. Joseph’s statuette to buy or sell a home? All kidding aside my friend when authority is taken from God and his word it is a danger to your faith, there is no check against error. Sola Scriptura, Sola Fide, Sola Gratia; Grace and Peace to you from our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ!!!