Can you give me a good reason to put my faith in Jesus?

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Can you give me a good reason to put my faith in Jesus? That was question was posed to me by a non-believer. How would you respond in a single paragraph (3-5 sentences)?
Can you give me a good reason to put my faith in Jesus? That was question was posed to me by a non-believer. How would you respond in a single paragraph (3-5 sentences)?
His teachings,
which stand on their own as a guide for how one should live their life - love your neighbor as yourself, etc. etc.
Can you give me a good reason to put my faith in Jesus? That was question was posed to me by a non-believer. How would you respond in a single paragraph (3-5 sentences)?
Because the Resurrection of Christ didn’t occur in the era of iPhones, so photographic evidence wasn’t possible, so instead the next best thing to such hard evidence is to count how many ppl willingly went to their deaths defending their account of having witnessed Christ’s Resurrection firsthand. The amount of blood that was shed for this witness doesn’t permit a simple counter-explanation of a hoax. It requires a vast suicide pact between Jesus, Judas, John the Baptist, and all the Apostles including Paul. So between Christ’s Resurrection being real, and a vast suicide plot, the Resurrection being nonfiction is to me the most reasonable option, so I believe in Christ.
He is God, and yet, He knows what that human life business is all about. He went through it himself, the joys, the pain, the fear, the friendships, the agony of death. He understands.
As the answers given all show, you are asking for the impossible, IMO. A non-believer cannot be convinced of any reason being “good” in just 3 to 5 sentences. One has to start with a belief in God, the creator of all things. One then needs to accept that the God of the old testament is true. Then one has to look at history and the claims of the claims of Christianity to become convinced that it is worth an act of faith.
No work of apologetics pretends to be able to do what you are asking.
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That Jesus (through his Church) is the only way to eternal life.

And to quote pope John Paul II :
"It is Jesus that you seek when you dream of happiness; He is waiting for you when nothing else you find satisfies you; He is the beauty to which you are so attracted; it is He who provoked you with that thirst for fullness that will not let you settle for compromise; it is He who urges you to shed the masks of a false life "
giving a good reason for putting your faith in Jesus is impossible?
Yes I can,

Jesus the good shepherd has been given a flock of sheep to nurture and protect. God the Holy Father gave his Son (Jesus) the flock.

Jesus has never lost a single sheep from his Fathers most treasured flock.

Don’t be the First !!
That’s fine and dandy speaking to one who is not a “non-believer”. It is an excellent reason for me to put my faith in Jesus. But I am not a non-believer. The problem posed is significantly more challenging. I have had lots of discussions with non-believers. Your arguments will not be a “good reason” for them.
The magnification of love in this life, and an eternity in the presence of Love in the next.

BUT: One must grasp the concept of transcendence, or none of this makes any sense.
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Christ was the only one who was pre-announced, fulfilling hundreds of prophecies, performing miracles witnessed by thousands and rising from the dead to . His coming split history in two, and tens of thousands of NDEs all confirm Jesus Christ. Read the Book of Acts to see what happened after the Resurrection, and the conversion of Saul of Tarsus, the fierce persecutor of Jewish converts to Christianity:
Book of Acts CHAPTER 1
Maybe the OP’s friend is struggling between Hinduism and Catholicism. I’m a former Atheist/Agnostic/Deist.

I’m not saying it’s a car sales but certain religions can attract some just for aesthetic reasons. We’re all different
If there is a omniscient, omnipotent, super intelligent being, who loves me more than anybody else ever will and who can see all the consequences of all my life choices ahead of time. I would definitely trust Him.
Reasons on why putting my trust in Jesus makes sense is one thing. Reasons to believe in Jesus / God existence is another.

This whole site is filled with reasons for that, even books written on that, they far better than me explain why there are very strong reasons to believe that God / Jesus exists and is real.

However, when somebody does not want to believe, no argument will ever convince them.
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If it is an atheist asking the question then I would give the answer I have given the few times I was asked similar. ‘Because He defeated death.’ Don’t know what happened in the long run but that answer did at least prompt further discussion in a couple of instances.

Anyway, it’s a good sign that they ask the question in the first place.
@kerygmakid: Welcome to CAF!

For me, faith isn’t a matter of reason. If you want to follow Jesus, I suggest that you open your heart. Ask the Blessed Mother to lead you to Jesus.

I always suggest reading “Story of a Soul” by St. Thérèse of Lisieux. It’s a beautiful spiritual memoir.
Because He is Man/God, Son of God, Savior, and he died for our sins and rose from the dead.
Jesus Christ is the living God and He created me out of nothing. He is the path of salvation. Jesus has changed history. The Son of the Father promised us eternal life, a resurrected body, and gave us his Church, the sacraments, the Bible, and sacred Tradition. ❤️ And he loves you and me. (Please Note: This uploaded content is no longer available.)
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Reason can take you only so far. Open your heart and pray for the gift of faith.
Reasons on why putting my trust in Jesus makes sense is one thing. Reasons to believe in Jesus / God existence is another.
Interesting, everyone looks at things a different way. If I did not believe that Jesus/God existed or that Jesus was God, I could put very little no trust in Him. I don’t think its much of an exaggeration to say that 75% of what He says in the gospels is all about himself and how important He is and that we follow Him. So I cannot see those two things being different.
his whole site is filled with reasons for that, even books written on that, they far better than me explain why there are very strong reasons to believe that God / Jesus exists and is real.
I agree. Which is why I said the OP’s question is impossible to fulfill.
However, when somebody does not want to believe, no argument will ever convince them.
Normally true, but not always. Conversion is a often a slow process. I have a good friend who certainly considered himself an agnostic and had no interest in believing at one point.
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