Can you give me a good reason to put my faith in Jesus? That was question was posed to me by a non-believer. How would you respond in a single paragraph (3-5 sentences)?
His teachings,Can you give me a good reason to put my faith in Jesus? That was question was posed to me by a non-believer. How would you respond in a single paragraph (3-5 sentences)?
Because the Resurrection of Christ didn’t occur in the era of iPhones, so photographic evidence wasn’t possible, so instead the next best thing to such hard evidence is to count how many ppl willingly went to their deaths defending their account of having witnessed Christ’s Resurrection firsthand. The amount of blood that was shed for this witness doesn’t permit a simple counter-explanation of a hoax. It requires a vast suicide pact between Jesus, Judas, John the Baptist, and all the Apostles including Paul. So between Christ’s Resurrection being real, and a vast suicide plot, the Resurrection being nonfiction is to me the most reasonable option, so I believe in Christ.Can you give me a good reason to put my faith in Jesus? That was question was posed to me by a non-believer. How would you respond in a single paragraph (3-5 sentences)?
Interesting, everyone looks at things a different way. If I did not believe that Jesus/God existed or that Jesus was God, I could put very little no trust in Him. I don’t think its much of an exaggeration to say that 75% of what He says in the gospels is all about himself and how important He is and that we follow Him. So I cannot see those two things being different.Reasons on why putting my trust in Jesus makes sense is one thing. Reasons to believe in Jesus / God existence is another.
I agree. Which is why I said the OP’s question is impossible to fulfill.his whole site is filled with reasons for that, even books written on that, they far better than me explain why there are very strong reasons to believe that God / Jesus exists and is real.
Normally true, but not always. Conversion is a often a slow process. I have a good friend who certainly considered himself an agnostic and had no interest in believing at one point.However, when somebody does not want to believe, no argument will ever convince them.