Canada & Kemosabe

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The Supreme Court of Canada is being asked to hear arguments on whether the word “kemosabe” is racist to native people.

The request comes from the Nova Scotia Human Rights Commission, which is dealing with a grievance dating back to 1999.

'‘We think it’s time to … have some ground rules so people know what’s permissible and what isn’t.’ – human rights lawyer Dorothy Kateri Moore, a Mi’kmaq woman working at a sports store in Sydney, N.S., had complained that her boss, Trevor Miller, referred to her and other workers as “kemosabe” – the term used by the 1950s TV character Tonto, the Lone Ranger’s sidekick, to describe the masked cowboy.

Moore said Miller told her the word meant “friend.” But she claimed it was a racial slur and that its repeated use led to a poisoned work environment.

Last February, a human rights board of inquiry ruled Moore was not discriminated against because she hadn’t shown she was offended by the word, nor did she ask her boss to stop using it.

The Nova Scotia Court of Appeal upheld that ruling in October, saying Moore had not shown the term was “notoriously offensive.”

For the first time in its 37-year history, the commission has asked the Supreme Court of Canada to appeal a decision of the province’s Court of Appeal.

Commission lawyers say they will argue employees were afraid to speak up to their employer and they want the Supreme Court to draw the line on what language is acceptable in the workplace.

“The idea that there are some words that are notoriously offensive and some that aren’t, and the burden on the employee shifts depending on that, really creates a lot of confusion in the workplace,” said commission lawyer Michael Wood.
Oh brother!!! That puts me in mind of an incident here in AZ where the state changed the name of Squaw Peak because it was an offensive word to the native Americans. (the word Squaw, that is, not peak, but stay tuned…who knows?) This pc langage thing is really getting out of control. It makes one almost afraid to speak without first rehearsing every sentence!
Oh brother!!! That puts me in mind of an incident here in AZ where the state changed the name of Squaw Peak because it was an offensive word to the native Americans. (the word Squaw, that is, not peak, but stay tuned…who knows?) This pc langage thing is really getting out of control. It makes one almost afraid to speak without first rehearsing every sentence!
As irritating as things like this are, you have to laugh (or at least smile) when you read some of it.
Ya know, I just saw a bio of “Tonto” and it said “Kemosabe” was a made up word and meant NOTHING. It just sounded good for the TV show. This whole thing is so silly, you are right, all you can do is laugh. What a country!!!

Lisa N (glad I do NOT live in Canada)
Lisa N:
Ya know, I just saw a bio of “Tonto” and it said “Kemosabe” was a made up word and meant NOTHING. It just sounded good for the TV show. This whole thing is so silly, you are right, all you can do is laugh. What a country!!!

Lisa N (glad I do NOT live in Canada)
Well, I guess I am also glad that you do not live here…😛

As someone who is part Miccasukee (Seminole) I think this whole PC thing is insane. It is a made up word meaning nothing. I too am glad I don’t live in Canada, but I do like to visit my relatives up there.
Another one. Maybe the whole gang will join up with you…Marie…dums…etc…etc. Please stay where you are, I insist.

I will bloom where God planted me.😛

Oh brother!!! That puts me in mind of an incident here in AZ where the state changed the name of Squaw Peak because it was an offensive word to the native Americans. (the word Squaw, that is, not peak, but stay tuned…who knows?) This pc langage thing is really getting out of control. It makes one almost afraid to speak without first rehearsing every sentence!
Are you sure it wasn’t the word “peak/peek” that was offensive? 😛

The Straight Dope On: In the old Lone Ranger series, what did “kemosabe” mean?

Lisa N:
(glad I do NOT live in Canada)
Too broad of a statement. There are extremists everywhere that tend to give a larger group a bad name. Let’s face it, Americans are for the most part really great people, but the ones who get noticed overseas are the obnoxious few, and the polite majority blend in and go unnoticed.

I live in Texas, and made a few friends in Canada and Germany. For the most part, we’re all alike. I don’t want to see all Americans slammed because of the acts of the few who are really out there. I think it’s fair that we don’t slam entire nationalities because of a few wackos.

Peace, y’all.
No offense intended, but:

The Lone Ranger and Tonto are surrounded by hostile Indians bent on destruction:

Lone Ranger: “What are we going to do, Tonto?”

Tonto: “What you mean “we”, White Man?”
Lance and Lisa N:
Hey! Canada’s a great place to live! While it has not been so the last few years…it was ranked the best country to live by the UN a few years in a row relatively recently. (In 2004, the UN Human Development Index ranked Canada the 4th best country to live in, based on life expectancy, literacy, income, etc…while the US was 8th…you may not care what the UN thinks, but we must have some desirable qualities!). How does official political correctness decrease the standard of living? It has nothing (or at least very little) to do with the lives of ordinary citizens.
Lance and Lisa N:
Hey! Canada’s a great place to live! While it has not been so the last few years…it was ranked the best country to live by the UN a few years in a row relatively recently. (In 2004, the UN Human Development Index ranked Canada the 4th best country to live in, based on life expectancy, literacy, income, etc…while the US was 8th…you may not care what the UN thinks, but we must have some desirable qualities!). How does official political correctness decrease the standard of living? It has nothing (or at least very little) to do with the lives of ordinary citizens.
Apologies to fellow list members who live in Canada. Frankly I can’t think of ANY country I’d want to live in besides the US so it’s not so much picking on Canada as saying I love it here. I work in the medical field and we hear such horror stories about Canadian medicine, I read “The Trouble With Islam” by a Canandian Muslim who discussed the way radical Islam is protected by Canada’s near obsession with political correctness, we know that more than one terrorist came through the Canadian border, pastors are threatened with hate crime laws if they say homosexuity is a sin, you have gay marriage, Canada was the preferred destination for disenchanted leftists after the Bush victory…IOW notta lotta good news from up north.

So forgive me for picking on your country. Quite honestly as much as I am appalled by the news out of Canada with respect to religious matters, every Canadian I’ve met has been absolutely delightful. I have show horses and we get quite a few Canadians at our NW shows. They are friendly warm open and a lot of fun. I guess I just don’t care for your government policies.

Lisa N
Thanks Lisa.

Actually, we Canadians hear horror stories about American medicine. 😉 (For those without insurance, for example, and fall through the cracks). Our health care system was the envy of the world…but in recent years it has deteriorated, but even so…very few Canadians would tolerate a private health care system.

Pastors, as far as I know, have not yet been threatened with hate crime for teaching that homosexuality is sinful. Do you know something that I don’t? I’m sure it’s happened somewhere, but people bring up charges like that in the US as well.

Once again, same-sex marriage still has not been approved at the federal level. (Though it may soon be :(). So far it is just provincial courts that have ruled it unlawful to not recognize gay marriages. (And not the courts of every province, but several).

That’s good for you that you would not want to live anywhere else. I would not want to live in the US either. :). There are too many things that simply annoy me about Americans (no offence 🙂 ), one of which being their almost sickening (to me) over-the-top patriotism, which often seems blind (I. e. America is perfect, and any criticisms are envious attacks on Americans…I’m exaggerating, so please don’t take offence, but that’s what I run across on this boards). 😉 (Canadians are not even close as patriotic as Americans). Patriotism isn’t wrong, but this is not our home. We are just passing through, and our citizenship is in heaven.

That all being said, while many Canadians would slap me for admitting it 👍, America is a great country…and certainly more Christian than Canada.
God bless,
In Christ,
Thanks Lisa.

Actually, we Canadians hear horror stories about American medicine. 😉 (For those without insurance, for example, and fall through the cracks). Our health care system was the envy of the world…

Yes, this is true. We have heard many horror stories. But that goes for any country.

Any person can present him/herself to a hospital and be treated equally without a penny in their pocket. Rich and poor get the same medical treatment. Catscans, MRI’s, etc…There is no need to show your Visa card and be laden with bills when one goes home. My American future brother-in-law ( I have 2 american brothers-in-law in the family) was astouded with one of our major teaching hospitals in London. Excellent care. Because of various donations, they were given a hotel room that would rival most so they could stay with my sister’s young son. The cost of this hotel room with a jacuzzi? $10.00. We take care of the young-uns and make it possible that the parents may stay with them when they are out of town. As we do know…mental support is as much needed as any medical procedure.
but in recent years it has deteriorated, but even so…very few Canadians would tolerate a private health care system.

This is also true. The people that never had to take advantage of our medical system are voting for cut-backs etc. They haven’t been there on the receiving en…they are just worrying about their own pocket-books. But what goes around, comes around…

Pastors, as far as I know, have not yet been threatened with hate crime for teaching that homosexuality is sinful. Do you know something that I don’t? I’m sure it’s happened somewhere, but people bring up charges like that in the US as well.

There is a case with Bishop Henry in Calgary. A conservative Member of Parliament has asked that Paul Martin’s communications director Scott Reid be disciplined and forced to apologize for attacking the integrity of Bishop Fred Henry. Henry has seen the government attack his integrity before…It happened after he spoke out about receiving a phone call from a Revenue Canada official during last June’s election campaign. The phone call involved Henry’s pastoral letter on Catholic teaching concerning moral issues and politics. The caller told him to take the letter off the diocesan web site or risk losing charitable status for the diocese. (See, we really do have real Roman Catholics in Canada)

That’s good for you that you would not want to live anywhere else. I would not want to live in the US either. :).

Ditto here also. Let us bloom where we are planted. This arttitude of “My country is better than yours” is very childish indeed. Pride goeth before the fall…

We are just passing through, and our citizenship is in heaven.

Amen to that!👍 May the Lord bless you and keep you and give you His peace. Happy New Year…

That all being said, while many Canadians would slap me for admitting it 👍, America is a great country…

Yes, the US is a great country…you will not get attacked by me, my friend.

and certainly more Christian than Canada.

In their government dealings, it warms the heart that they are trying to remain christian. If only we could all work against abortion now…:crying:
God bless,
In Christ,
Another one. Maybe the whole gang will join up with you…Marie…dums…etc…etc. Please stay where you are, I insist.

I will bloom where God planted me.😛

😃 😃 😃 Sorry, can’t promise. We have friends and relatives there. They are nice people though… 😛 So we like to visit them and keep them that way. 😉
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