Cannabis and the Church's position

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Bingo. This is the answer. The Church has a precept that we cannot take something to purposefully lose our reason, for the sake of enjoyment. Thus it would logically conclude that if the substance in question is either not taken for enjoyment (such as in pain, and is therefore a secondary or unintentional consequence), OR, if such a person only consumes a limited amount to not lose full sense of reason. Otherwise alcohol must be included in the category of non-approved substances.

But I believe the Church’s stance on this had to do with the likelihood that the vast, vast majority of recreational users were just that, recreational users, implying they wanted to get high and lose reason.

The Church also puts a lot of weight on intent. If you are in pain, and have tried all available remedies, and are looking for relief, and your intent is to relieve pain, and you smoke or otherwise ingest some cannabis, that also plays a factor.
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Agreed. As someone who did not necessarily lead a perfect life while I was young, I can attest to this. It is possible to smoke just enough to feel relaxed but not get high. So without that experience, he is arguing at a disadvantage.
Honestly, if I needed something for a medical concern that I was dealing with, given what I know about the pharmaceutical industry and its history, I’d run like a screaming wench as fast as I could from the pHARMa industry towards anything natural. Not saying that means I’d go run right to smoking a joint, but in my years (decade and a half) of trying to live more naturally, organically, I’ve started to use CBD (no THC) products, for pain and relaxation.
The Church also puts a lot of weight on intent. If you are in pain, and have tried all available remedies, and are looking for relief, and your intent is to relieve pain, and you smoke or otherwise ingest some cannabis, that also plays a factor.
More than just “playing a factor”, when matters get to that point, I maintain that it has no moral coloration whatsoever.

Cannabis is an herb given to man for legitimate medicinal purposes. That would certainly be an instance of this.
Genesis 1:29 - God also said: See, I give you every seed-bearing plant on all the earth and every tree that has seed-bearing fruit on it to be your food;
Intentional intoxication to the point of incapacity is a sin, you can achieve that with many substances.

The insulin one person uses as curative can kill another.

Prudence in all things.

My Diocese supported medical marijuana laws
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