I haven’t experienced “canned” music at Mass but as a fairly recent convert, I HAVE experienced protestant music. The parish I left hired a music co-ordinator, supposedly, from another parish who is 24 years old. Within a month, all our music books were denied us at Mass and preprinted sheets with only words were handed out at each Mass. It became apparent to me immediately that we were singing music that was familar to me from all my protestant years. I’m talking Baptist gospel music and many Lutheran songs. I mentioned this to several cradle Catholics in the parish and was told that the new director was “very talented” but had not been trained in Liturgical music!?! Go figure!
I am one who does not like the drum and guitar music either but if the music itself is Liturgically correct I could put that annoyance aside.
I am one who does not like the drum and guitar music either but if the music itself is Liturgically correct I could put that annoyance aside.