Canned music at Mass

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I haven’t experienced “canned” music at Mass but as a fairly recent convert, I HAVE experienced protestant music. The parish I left hired a music co-ordinator, supposedly, from another parish who is 24 years old. Within a month, all our music books were denied us at Mass and preprinted sheets with only words were handed out at each Mass. It became apparent to me immediately that we were singing music that was familar to me from all my protestant years. I’m talking Baptist gospel music and many Lutheran songs. I mentioned this to several cradle Catholics in the parish and was told that the new director was “very talented” but had not been trained in Liturgical music!?! Go figure!

I am one who does not like the drum and guitar music either but if the music itself is Liturgically correct I could put that annoyance aside.
We went to a “folk Mass” for the first time in years. I was pratically apopletic that the pianist played “cocktail” style chords as “background music” during the consecration. Is that acceptable? I have NEVER heard that before and didn’t approve.
I am very interested in this topic, as I’m sure are all that are concerned with music ministry. I find it intriguing that there doesn’t seem to be any documentation addressing this specifically since 1958, especially with the onslaught of technology. The one resource quoted in these threads as “in favor” of recorded music seems to be the following book. It can be found on Amazon, but I want to know how we can know if this is an “authoritative” source. I mean, anybody can publish a book, and anybody can state their own opinion. So how can I find out if this can be taken as an approved guide? Any one know?

The Liturgy Documents: A Parish Resource, Vol. 2

Edited by David A. Lysik,

Introduction by Frederick R. McManus

Liturgy Training Publications

Published December 1999, 395 pages, paper

ISBN 1568542453
I have a slightly different take on this. When I have an afternoon off, I go to Confession and Mass at a little tiny, itty, bitty parish on the far southwest side of Detroit. This is a parish that is not supported at all by the neighborhood, but the roster is entirely made up of suburbanites. The church was slated to close in 1989 when Cardinal Szoka wielded his mighty pen and closed dozens of parishes. The pastor at the time, who was eligible to retire, begged the Archdiocese to keep it open, and he would stay there as pastor. Fr. Bart kept the parish going for nearly 10 years after that, but got so ill, he had to go back to Italy. He would not leave until he found a priest who would take the parish. Fr. Cini is an amazing confessor, and the parishioners, while few in number, are fiercely devoted. There is not much assistance from the AOD.

My point is that there is no “music ministry” there. Everything is volunteer. I haven’t been for a Sunday Mass, but I know they have an organ, so maybe it’s used then. Fr. Cini has an ancient “boom box” with recorded hymns (music only). The music is reverent, it’s not a show, it’s just to accompany the voices.

I was surprised about this not being allowed. I’m sure if Fr. Cini knew it’s an “abuse,” he would stop immediately. Well, I’m not going to ever mention it to him. He has daily Mass, 2 weekend Masses, and devotions. I couldn’ t imagine the local bishop going to a Mass & reprimanding him for the music. He and Fr. Bart have breathed new life into a parish that would have been closed 15 years ago, and probably demolished. And it’s orthodox.
Detroit Sue:
My point is that there is no “music ministry” there. Everything is volunteer.
“Music ministry” doesn’t imply in any way that there are paid people doing anything. It can be wholly volunteer. Of course, it is to be hoped that the volunteers take the ministry seriously enough to find out what guidelines there are and not do something like having satanic music during mass (extreme case for example only.)
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