Yes I have considered a congregation near me. I’ve spent quite a bit of time there and really respect those sisters. But they don’t have the same prayer life as the Carmelites… I long for the stillness, the quiet, the solitude.This is what I was thinking too. Talk to them and see what happens.
Also, would you consider a different type of community - to be a sister? Perhaps such a life would be less demanding physically, yet you would still be in a religious community. Maybe this is something to consider.
Good luck and God bless.
35? Really? I have never heard that before. Perhaps that is just for a particular diocese or something. I remember seeing videos of two different young women being consecrated as virgins, they don’t look like they are a day over 25. Perhaps they are in their late twenties and just look younger, but 35 or over? No way.If I remember correctly you must be 35 years old or older to begin the process of applying to be a Consecrated Virgin. You will be asked to write an autobiography and submit that for review to the individuals considering your case.