This is an ad hominem attack.You could not more understate the position the Church has put if you tried! I find such understatement to be a tad disingenuous.
Yet you don’t provide any reasonable answer to what I wrote but only attack.If one’s wife dies in a car accident leaving young children, one might say it accurate to call that ‘an inconvenient event’. But I’d be astonished if anyone thought that was a reasonable characterisation of the event.
So?By the way, I believe Ender argues a reverse of that statement, viz: CP is generally the appropriate punishment (for murder) unless special circumstances weigh against it. I only mention this because I previously thought you and Ender were entirely on the same wavelength.
I find your answers to be an overstatement of the position of the Church. I also have found that you cannot agree to anything as if you agree to one point you loose all. In fact the opposite is true.
- The Church has always taught that government has the right to use the death penalty.
3 Q: Are there cases in which it is lawful to kill?
Note there is no conditions.A: It is lawful to kill when fighting in a just war; when carrying out by order of the Supreme Authority a sentence of death in punishment of a crime; and, finally, in cases of necessary and lawful defense of one’s own life against an unjust aggressor.
Those conditions are a development which themselves have conditions. If there is no doubt and If there is no other way.
You may feel that I “understated” it and You may feel that it is “disingenuous” but such feelings are not reason. It seems that what you really want is it to be called intrinsically wrong despite your protest to the opposite.