Jesus acknowledged the legitimate authority of civil government. All authority does ultimately come from God. What the Church teaches about civil authority can be found here, under the Fourth Commandment:
That is true, but this does not mean we should just accept anything and everything a civil secular govt imposes or asks of us, it is possible for a govt to loose its ‘legitimacy’ or overstep their bounds, like we see with the US govt today, they have a hand in almost every aspect of our lives, imo, that is not right and definitely not legitimate.
When Jesus told us to ‘give caesar what is caesars, and God what is Gods’, this does not mean, ‘give’ caesar EVERYTHING he asks of you…its only what they are due, so this could lead to huge differences in what they are due and what they ask of us. Example, Govt has no business being involved in marriages, but they are, so this is something they are asking of us, but something we should not give them/ not comply with or obey, or if we found out taxpayer money was going towards abortion, that is something they are not due, and we should not contribute to this, no matter what the secular consequences are.
Besides that, Jesus warned christians, the secular authorities would hate us, due to his name, in order for them to hate us, we would have to be saying and doing things they disagree with, or is not beneficial to them…if every christian obeyed every single thing they asked and did not cause any problems for them, what reason would they have to hate us so badly?