I think there is no reason for complacency.
I heard about the article in First Things magazine about putting an end to clericalism in the Church, which Francis has called for a couple times, even recently.
The FT article supposedly (as told to Al Kresta on EWTN radio) calls for an end to purple and red flowing vestments for bishops and cardinals, and an end to “your excellency” and “your eminence” which the article attributes to influences that go back to the end of the Roman empire.
They all need to dress in simple black and at most they need to be addressed as “father.” Even now the Pope is addressed as Holy Father. (forget the “your holiness” part).
In my diocese, there have been a lot of parishes closed and combined. There are empty rectories all over the place, yet the bishop maintains a $300,000 (which is rather high end for this diocese) house. I’m not contributing a dime to the annual bishop’s drive until that extravagance is eliminated.
That residence was acquired by the diocese for the previous bishop. But, even the idea of the bishop living off of church property is repugnant to me. There whereabouts of the bishop’s residence was a long-held secret. It is located in the center of a maze of streets. But it was not so remote as to escape being raided by the local state police for evidence in a case of priestly sexual abuse.
The presence of a large number of homosexual priests and bishops in the Church is a problem that has to be addressed. WHATEVER THE IMPACT these men should leave the priesthood and perhaps be given 2 or 3 years of severance pay with health care, until they find some other line of work. This so-called “rot” in the Church has to be dealt with.
The Church should not be forced to wait this out, with calls for THE LAITY to become active in evangelization, when the leaders of the US Church have ignored that calling for decades since the Second Vatican Council. These priests KNOW they are endangering the reputation of the Church and they have no right to continue doing so.