Getting rid of a passably good culture does not mean it will be replaced by a utopian dream.
No one’s talking about “getting rid” of culture, whatever that means. What I said was that denying refuge to people in need for the sake of “preserving” a “culture” that’s going to evolve anyway (like the vast majority of cultures have throughout human history) is pretty racist. Not to mention stupid and un-Christian.
Actually, what would be “stupid” is speaking in formal terms of “evolving cultures” and providing refuge without any reference to which aspects of a culture ought to be preserved and which ought to be let go, as if there is absolutely no qualitative difference between this or that aspect of culture, and as if every aspect of culture is no better or worse than any other.
It would appear that your charge of “pretty racist” might itself be based upon your determination of the origins of those aspects of current western culture that you prefer be liquidated.
You also appear to make no qualms about your disdain for human cultures generally since you shed no tear for what has been lost in those evolutions of human culture, as if everything human is disposable except what the future might bring for a brief moment in time until that “evolution,” too, will be discarded like a pair of old socks.
You might benefit from reading Walker Percy’s
Lost in the Cosmos: The Last Self-Help Book, in particular where he speaks of the six stages of consumption.
To wit:
Sixth Stage: After a sufficient lapse of time, the husk or residue of the new style is excreted and becomes an oddity, a slightly shameful thing that is still attached, like the waste in the excretory vacuole of the amoeba.
Your view of human culture appears to be roughly similar to the view an amoeba has towards what is about to enter its digestive system, or has been sitting in its vacuole for awhile.
What, precisely, do you find of sufficient value to be preserved in any culture, and how would you recognize it when you see it?
You may want to seriously think about that before you are so quick to decide that it is “unChristian” to speak in favour of preserving any aspect of human culture.
You may also want to research individuals in the past such as St. Boniface, Sts. Cyril and Methodius, and Matteo Ricci.
On a side note, why would Spanish-speaking people from majority Catholic countries be a threat to “Western culture”?
This is hardly worth an answer, but let me me address it indirectly…
Would you claim that the Conquistadores’ actions in Central and South America were to be
presumed good and right merely because they were “Spanish-speaking people from majority Catholic countries?”
Why would their language spoken or their country of origin necessarily justify their behaviour?