Cardinal claims sex abuse scandal fabricated

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A leading contender for the papacy, Cardinal Oscar Andrés Rodríguez of Honduras, says that the sex-abuse controversy was manufactured by the American news media. In particular, the cardinal has singled out Ted Turner, the former CNN chairman, for being ``openly anti-Catholic.’’ Link

Let us hope and pray Cardinal Rodríguez is not elected Pope.
A leading contender for the papacy, Cardinal Oscar Andrés Rodríguez of Honduras, says that the sex-abuse controversy was manufactured by the American news media. In particular, the cardinal has singled out Ted Turner, the former CNN chairman, for being ``openly anti-Catholic.’’ Link

Let us hope and pray Cardinal Rodríguez is not elected Pope.
He is right as far as it being percentage-wise any worse than in any other organization.
So according to this Cardinal, because Ted Turner and others in the Liberal Media have an anti catholic bias, its their fault the way it got reported? Is there any data or proof showing that any numbers these liberal media stated as fact were lies? I’m not talking about the speculation in the beginning. I could care less about comparing the abuse to “other organizations” and how that was reported either. Those other organitions arent entrusted with the Salvation of ones eternal soul, so that means nothing to me. Show where the media outright lied about the numbers, giving a margin of at least 5 % for statistical error. Until then, this Cardinal is off base and I as well hope he doesnt get elected.
So according to this Cardinal, because Ted Turner and others in the Liberal Media have an anti catholic bias, its their fault the way it got reported? Is there any data or proof showing that any numbers these liberal media stated as fact were lies? I’m not talking about the speculation in the beginning. I could care less about comparing the abuse to “other organizations” and how that was reported either. Those other organitions arent entrusted with the Salvation of ones eternal soul, so that means nothing to me. Show where the media outright lied about the numbers, giving a margin of at least 5 % for statistical error. Until then, this Cardinal is off base and I as well hope he doesnt get elected.
The Protestants have just as large a percentage of child molestations within their clergy. Why is it not reported nationally by CNN et al, any ideas?
The Protestants have just as large a percentage of child molestations within their clergy. Why is it not reported nationally by CNN et al, any ideas?
In my 50+ years of trying to find my true church home, I’ve made the rounds of many different denominations. Granted, this is just my experience, but these are the pedophiles I’ve personally had acquaintance with:

Episcopal clergy: 4

1 did “hard time” in his home state, was rehabilitated, and was given full endorsement to take a youth minister position in my home parish, was caught again and did more “time”, 2 were caught “in the act” for the first time and did prison time for it – left the church, 1 was part-time chaplain for a school for toubled boys and acted out there (did prison time, is still a priest of that denomination) There is one more who I never personally met, but I succeeded him as Youth Director after his apprehension (what a mess that was to clean up).

Methodist clergy: 1
Molested girls 5-7th graders (of whom I was one). Was fired from his church and never given another assignment but no legal charges were filed to keep it quiet (ostensibly to protect the girls who were molested from having to face him to testify)

Orthodox clergy: 1
gay, routinely hired male prostitutes, one of whom was under-age and struck a deal with authorities to catch his clients, the priest was summerily defrocked and did a couple of months of prison time, lost his pension and died in poverty (he was in his 70’s when apprehended).

Catholic clergy: 0
I’ve heard stories in our diocese and know there are a few who have been apprehended, but I don’t personally know any of them.

This is a problem that spans all denominations – pedophiles insert themselves into positions that will give them access to victims and the veneer of respect so that no one will suspect or dare report them. If the Catholic Church is the one true Church, of course the world and the evil one are going to find any means at all to attack it. . .
The Protestants have just as large a percentage of child molestations within their clergy. Why is it not reported nationally by CNN et al, any ideas?
Oh, it was up here in Canada. I don’t know how thethe Anglican Church avoided bankruptcy up here. That and the residential school program which disrupted First Nations lives for generations.

While the heterodox have misused the information on sex abusers within the Church to drive their own agenda, I do not think the media fabricated the scandal.

We need to clean our own house first before we approach representatives of other faiths. So as for the cardinal who claims the sex abuse scandal is fabricated: no soup for him!
There are many rubbish in many places including in the church but too in profesors, kindergartens, protestant ministers and in all places, we have to pray and to confess, but we are to be quiet, the Church is a hospital of sinners and not a museum of sainst.
A leading contender for the papacy, Cardinal Oscar Andrés Rodríguez of Honduras, says that the sex-abuse controversy was manufactured by the American news media. In particular, the cardinal has singled out Ted Turner, the former CNN chairman, for being ``openly anti-Catholic.’’ Link

Let us hope and pray Cardinal Rodríguez is not elected Pope.
Ted Turner is indeed anti-Catholic. But if Cardinal Rodriquez is so unwilling to confront reality, he indeed should not be the Vicar of Christ on earth. The Cardinals will be judged on how they conduct their Conclave. I will pray that they discern the Holy Spirit’s promptings and for the good of their souls, ours and the world’s, elect a Holy and wise successor to His Holiness, John Paul II.

God saves

He is right as far as it being percentage-wise any worse than in any other organization​

That point is moot, because The Church claims to be Christ’s church it should be held to a higher standard than The United States public school system.
ACtually Lily, the point is not entirely moot. I am not sure what His Eminence was trying to say, but if his point was that the media focused unduly on the Church, he has a VERY valid point.

I am all for snatching the covers off this scandal, but in justice (NOT fairness), it needs to be snatched off the other denominations and secualrlized professions as well.
Personaly, I dont see the media at all as being unfair in this. Like I said, these people are charged with our salvation. anyone who throws up the excuse that other organizations do the same are trying to make excuses by comparison…ie…“see’’’ dont just blame ME, they did it too”! Sorry, that dont cut it.

And, I watch the news everyday. I dont see the news trying to give a pass to all the school teachers,or Boy Scout Leaders and others involved in this type of scandal. They are revealing names and info on a daily basis. I fail to see a media bias here. And if there is, it doesnt really bother me, Priests are to be held to a higher standard than those with secular jobs…I am of the mind that you cant say these people are of a higher standard than others ONLY when bad things dont happen…and when they do, its naturally gonna get more attention… people wait for those who talk the talk, to NOT walk the walk…so that in and of itself makes the scandal and the story bigger than others of a similar nature. I also watch Jay Leno each night. I would be willing to guess thats hes cracked more jokes about teachers having sex with their students then priests with their flock.

And I would add that those who think the scandal matter has been done to death and should be laid to rest, should also be saying the same about the myriads of threads on homosexuality, only in that every single thread created on the topic devolves into the same thing. So if you cant do that, then priestly abuse threads should flourish as well, cause that like homosexuality seem to go hand in hand.
demolition man, how is it the media’s fault that people in authority moved known pedophiles from parish to parish? The appropriate, for those in charge, who should know better than all of us, action would have been to call the police and protect children.
Personaly, I dont see the media at all as being unfair in this.

And, I watch the news everyday. I dont see the news trying to give a pass to all the school teachers,or Boy Scout Leaders and others involved in this type of scandal. They are revealing names and info on a daily basis. I fail to see a media bias here.
In our are newspapers, Catholic church scandal: front page news
other denominations: somewhere around page 10

Boy Scounts around here are usually Catholic, not sure about in other parts of the country.

The liberal media tries to sway public opinion against the Catholic church, against morals. When something bad happens, they let you know about it until they are blue in the face. How often is child abuse reported on the national news when it is commited by their own parents. they are both very tragic and shouldn’t happen. The point is that the media likes the sensationalism of when someone in the Catholic church screws up.
demolition man, how is it the media’s fault that people in authority moved known pedophiles from parish to parish? The appropriate, for those in charge, who should know better than all of us, action would have been to call the police and protect children.
Do not be deliberately obtuse. I never said that and I believe you know this. I SAID that if they are going to expose the Catholics (and the scandal deserves exposure), let’s get everyone else as well. PART of this nonsense stems from the media targeting the Catholics, partially because our dioceses have money (or they used to), and because the Church is so vociferously opposed to the Liberal agenda the media champions.
Is there any data or proof showing that any numbers these liberal media stated as fact were lies?
I think what folks like you should be looking into is whether there is any “proof” that the media you are addicted to ever tell the truth.
“folks like me”?
“addicted to the media”?


Powerful assumptions… tell me, has God gifted you with prophecy or something? :cool:

Would it be fair for me to say folks like YOU would help to assist in any further coverups as long as the Church isnt in the papers anymore? 😉

The Catholic Church lays claim to be the true faith of Christ on earth…and some of you are shocked that they would be on the front page while other sects or organizations with similar issues are buried inside the pages somewhere? :rolleyes:
Sometimes I’m sorry I lack the ability to be naive. Sometimes I think it would help me get thru my days much more peacefully. 😉
Just when i think the hierarchy of our Church couldn’t make themselves look any more ridiculous – someone does. If This man truly believes this nonsense we must pray very, VERY hard that he is not chosen as the next pope. Though I’m not sure it matters - most of the men I hear are in the “front running” are just as bad. I guess that’s why there is so much secrecy surrounding the conclave. If people truly knew the qualifications of the front runners they would either mutiny or cry for the lack of quality material in the list. The abuse scandal is real and unfortunately one of the worst offenders, LAW, is now a favorite at the Vatican.
Pope JPII has been accused of not coming down hard enough on the bishops who did not severely punish the accused priests. On an EWTN show it was mentioned that when the pope was living in Poland many of the priests who were taken away to be killed by the NAZI’s were falsely accused of sexual abuse. I think the pope may have realized that many of the American priests who were accused might also have been falsely accused. About 10 years ago it became very common for hypno-therapists to plant “false memories” in the minds of vulnerable subjects. People love to blame others for their psychological problems so there were many willing believers. It was very common also for eating disorder clinics to tell the girls suffering from eating disorders that they were sexually abused by their fathers. These vulnerable girls would see their hypno-therapists and sure enough they all of a sudden had these false memories. There are websites on False memory syndomes that you can check for verification. This is not to say that there may have been some girls abused by their fathers and boys abused by priests. Only when we get to heaven will we know how many people have been falsely accused.
God saves:
Ted Turner is indeed anti-Catholic.
Yes Ted Turner is as anti-Catholic as they come. He’s made mocking statements towards the Pope and Catholicism. I believe he may have made some half-hearted apologies for some of them. Ted Turner has also financed the murder of children in the name of being “pro-choice.”

I think the Cardinal, provided he is qualified in other respects such as personal holiness, would potentially make a great successor to John Paul II.
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