Cardinal Mahoney supports event honoring a pro-abortion Catholic Mayor

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Do what I did when I heard this news send an email to the Vatican to demand Mahoney’s resignation!!!

LOS ANGELES, July 1 /U.S. Newswire/ – “Today’s attempted arrest in Los Angeles of the student participants in American Life League’s Crusade for the Defense of our Catholic Church is beyond scandalous,” said Judie Brown, president of American Life League. “Since when is it against the law for Catholics to defend the Catholic faith at a Catholic Cathedral? We are outraged at the situation.”

Today’s scene occurred when more than a dozen young people attempted to attend the inauguration ceremonies of Antonio Villaraigosa, mayor-elect of Los Angeles, who is a pro-abortion Catholic. The young adults are part of American Life League’s 2005 Crusade for Life walks in which they are trekking from San Diego to Sacramento spreading the truth about the incompatibility of Catholicism and support of abortion.

The group planned to attend the inauguration ceremonies, beginning at the Cathedral, and peacefully protest with shirts and signs that read: you can’t be Catholic and pro-abortion.

“It is an outrage that an event honoring a pro-abortion Catholic public figure that openly supports the killing of the preborn would occur at Our Lady of the Angels Cathedral,” said Brown. “It is even more shameful that Cardinal Mahony and others would attempt to censor faithful Catholic students from proclaiming the truth.”
Mahoney should resign simply because of his part in the Sex abuse scandal cover ups in LA.
And there is gambling at Rick’s. What else would one expect of this Cardinal?
This is really no big surprise. It’s to be expected from Cardinal Mahoney.

Was there a Mass?
Does the new mayor receive communion?
**Pray for Cardinal Mahoney and all the other wayward priests in this world.:gopray2: **
Wow - one of my friends is in that group, I hadn’t heard about this yet, though.

I thought it was bad when they went to the Taj Mahoney and the guy refused to bless them!
Pray, Yes!! We must also be a people of action. We must pray like it all depends on God and work like it all depends on us.
p.s. Does anyone know the proper channel through which to file a complaint? That is, who in the Vatican do I request to tell Card. Mahoney to stuff it?
Sgt Sweaters:
p.s. Does anyone know the proper channel through which to file a complaint? That is, who in the Vatican do I request to tell Card. Mahoney to stuff it?
If I am not mistaken I believe you would write Cardinal Arinze. You can get the address from the vatican web site.

Contacting Vatican Officials
To contact the Pope, write to:
His Holiness Pope Benedict XVI
00120 Vatican City

If your bishop isn’t doing his job, contact:

Giovanni Battista Cardinal Re
Prefect, Congregation for Bishops
Piazza Pio XII, 10
00193 Vatican City

Phone: (011) 39-6-6988-4217

In case of liturgical abuse, contact:

Francis Cardinal Arinze
Prefect, Congregation for Divine Worship and Sacraments
Piazza XII, 10
00193 Vatican City

Phone: (011) 39-6-6988-4368

In case of bad catechesis, contact:

Dario Castrillon Cardinal Hoyos
Prefect, Congregation for the Clergy
Piazza Pio XII, 3
00193 Vatican City

Phone: (011) 39-6-6988-4136

For problems with Catholic schools, universities, and seminaries, contact:

Zenon Cardinal Grocholewski
Prefect, Congregation for Catholic Education and Seminaries
Piazza Pio XII, 3
00193 Vatican City

Phone: (011) 39-6-6988-4156
The cardinal has been exposed “naked”. Now we know what we have suspected all along. The cardinal has no balls.
I just got done watching a rerun of LA mayors innauguration speach, what a bunch of LIES!! It was good to see that there were some faithful Catholics protesting in the crowd with signs saying you cant be Catholic and pro choice. 👍
If I am not mistaken I believe you would write Cardinal Arinze. You can get the address from the vatican web site.

Contacting Vatican Officials
To contact the Pope, write to:
His Holiness Pope Benedict XVI
00120 Vatican City

If your bishop isn’t doing his job, contact:

Giovanni Battista Cardinal Re
Prefect, Congregation for Bishops
Piazza Pio XII, 10
00193 Vatican City

Phone: (011) 39-6-6988-4217

In case of liturgical abuse, contact:

Francis Cardinal Arinze
Prefect, Congregation for Divine Worship and Sacraments
Piazza XII, 10
00193 Vatican City

Phone: (011) 39-6-6988-4368

In case of bad catechesis, contact:

Dario Castrillon Cardinal Hoyos
Prefect, Congregation for the Clergy
Piazza Pio XII, 3
00193 Vatican City

Phone: (011) 39-6-6988-4136

For problems with Catholic schools, universities, and seminaries, contact:

Zenon Cardinal Grocholewski
Prefect, Congregation for Catholic Education and Seminaries
Piazza Pio XII, 3
00193 Vatican City

Phone: (011) 39-6-6988-4156
The Pope as you will see will be making some big changes in the American church hierarchy.

The New Springtime is upon us!!!
OurLadyOfEfes…thanks for the heads up.

PR Newswire changed the headline on this article. I should have suspected this was the same story but didn’t. So we have a double post. Can a moderator delete or freeze my thread?

It is in “Culture of Death” with the title “Catholic Students Threatened With Arrest At Catholic Cathedral In Los Angeles”
The Pope as you will see will be making some big changes in the American church hierarchy.
Doubtful. Save this somewhere. Barring death, Cardinal Mahony will serve out his remaining 5+ years as the Cardinal Archbishop of Los Angeles.

A key would be to look at who HH appoints to take Cardinals Maida and McCarrick’s places (if he accepts their resignations).

John Higgins:
A key would be to look at who HH appoints to take Cardinals Maida and McCarrick’s places (if he accepts their resignations).
OurLadyOfEfes…thanks for the heads up.

PR Newswire changed the headline on this article. I should have suspected this was the same story but didn’t. So we have a double post. Can a moderator delete or freeze my thread?

It is in “Culture of Death” with the title “Catholic Students Threatened With Arrest At Catholic Cathedral In Los Angeles”
Leave it David the forum has been slow since the death of Terri maybe we will get some people over here to do something again.
Sgt Sweaters:
p.s. Does anyone know the proper channel through which to file a complaint? That is, who in the Vatican do I request to tell Card. Mahoney to stuff it?
Where is our invisible man – that is , our nuncio??? MIA as usual I suppose.
sounds like it is more than the politicians who should be denied communion in LA
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