I, too, am quite dubious of this verdict. Granted, all I have to go on is what I read in the media, which necessarily slants things either for or against Cardinal Pell. But from what I’ve read, I’m stunned that he was convicted. As a brother priest, it’s terrifying. I’m not saying this is what the jury did, but even the judge in his sentencing acknowledged the lynch mob mentality against Cardinal Pell. It seems that in our modern age, if the accused is a Catholic priest, he is assumed guilty until proven innocent, rather than assumed innocent until proven guilty. Again, as a priest, this is terrifying.
No doubt there have been priests falsely accused of sexual abuse, long since deceased and unable to defend themselves. Yet their reputation is forever destroyed. And I get it…it’s all part of the job description. A priest is an alter cristus. Christ was falsely accused. We should expect to be as well. (Obviously, many are and were guilty. I’m not talking about them.) But that pius sentiment is not really comforting in the midst of a trial. Or in a prison cell.