Looking good , OneSheep. And the cross?
Somewhat near the sense of my own words from Post 151:Good Morning, Michael!
Before we forgive ourselves, we are going to have a sense of guilt, debt to God, society, or whomever. Before we forgive others, we are going to sense that an offender owes us. These “senses” are God’s will, these “senses” guide our behavior. Once we have forgiven at the deepest level, our own love is uninhibited by sense of debt. Love itself is the guide, and Love as the guide is also God’s will, but it takes time, experiences, awareness, and choices, until we can forgive at the deepest level.
Feel free to critique, comment, modify, and make suggestions.
Yet, the opening, “Before we forgive ourselves”, fits in the sense that we may be too easy on ourselves, but needs clarification that we need the Sacrament of Reconciliation and a session that ends in Absolution.I think we need the idea of debt to see the seriousness of sin to help us understand the tangible gravity of it. This capturing the real debt and need of repayment is so very important in order to reach true sorrow and therefore obtain a state of contrition and therefore do not return to the sin by taking it too lightly and repeatedly accepting forgiveness too conveniently. I just don’t think there is a word that transmits this concept better that the word debt; therefore, the Holy Spirit uses it in the Gospel of Mathew.
Good Morning, Ynotzap!How do we harmonize God’s infinite love for us, and by sin we incurred a debt, we owe God. Again the debt as I see it is a debt of love, but also of a humble submission(and rightly so) to God, and to the will of God (which is always consistent with His love for us). We do God no favors but by doing His will we do ourselves good. In humble submission to His will we place ourselves were we should be, at the feet of our Creator in adoration, and love. When we sin doing our will contrary to His we go against everything that guarantees our happiness and well-being, for we were created for God and by Him, and in Him.
In God’s infinite love He designed a pay-back debt,a debt where we owe Him, to do what we are supposed to do in order to accomplish His design, union with Him
But the problem is we can’t do what we are suppose to do because we can’t redeem ourselves, we can’t pick our selves up by our boot-straps we can’t give what we don’t have. When we sin we do not have love for God. (For it is God’s love for us that causes our love for Him). When we sin we are proud, arrogant, weak, selfish, lustful, all of the vices. No only that but there is Satan who takes advantage of our weakness, his rule over us when we lost the Holy Spirit through Adam. The Father remedied this situation out of love, represented by His Son, Jesus Christ. It is through the sanctifying effects of the Holy Spirit merited by Jesus Christ that we now have the ability to conquer our selves, and all our weaknesses. By the implimentation of all the means God provided by Jesus, through His Spirit, in love of man, man is now able to pay back the love and adoration that belongs to God, so this is why I say "the means to pay back the debt (designed by God in love) can be harmonized with His infinite love. It is said “Lord cause me to do, and to accomplish”, His love for us caused us to love Him. Paying back the debt (of love) couldn’t be accomplished with out the Holy Spirit , Love is sent out, Jesus Christ, and love (The Holy Spirit) returns us to the Father. And it is accomplished through a debt owed designed by God Jesus showed us the way to pay the debt we owe God, and He made it possible.
Hi Michael,Looking good , OneSheep. And the cross?
Good morning, wmw!Somewhat near the sense of my own words from Post 151:
I think we need the idea of debt to see the seriousness of sin to help us understand the tangible gravity of it. This capturing the real debt and need of repayment is so very important in order to reach true sorrow and therefore obtain a state of contrition and therefore do not return to the sin by taking it too lightly and repeatedly accepting forgiveness too conveniently. I just don’t think there is a word that transmits this concept better that the word debt; therefore, the Holy Spirit uses it in the Gospel of Mathew.
Yet, the opening, “Before we forgive ourselves”, fits in the sense that we may be too easy on ourselves, but needs clarification that we need the Sacrament of Reconciliation and a session that ends in Absolution.
Hi YnotzapOne Sheep:
I think the parable of the Prodigal son gives us a good perspective about debt. As you know one son desired his inheritance and wasted it on a dissipated life. He reflected on how his life was going and realized that his father’s servants had it better than he. He thought how he would speak to his father in order to at least to be treated as a servant and not a son.
He would humble himself, and state that he had sinned against Heaven and the father.and that he should not be treated as a son. It is stated when the father got sight of him he had COMPASSION on his son, and embraced him and kissed him. He even celebrated his return in a special way. The father stated that his son was lost and had be found.
Nowhere in the story did the father require any sort of debt. I suppose that the father already knew the pain the son had suffered for his foolish ways, and how he was humbled knowing he had done wrong towards his father, and even Heaven
Compassion means sorrow for the suffering of others, or the trouble of others with a desire to help, deep sympathy. The father in his wisdom knew that his son was suffering for the foolish, unwise choice that his son made. The father stated that his son was dead and had come to life again. No debt was ever considered, just joy on his son’s return. Jesus spoke in many parables of compassion, and forgiving debt, and how the master was angry at the servant who didn’t forgive a debt when he himself had been forgiven…
We know that the Father disciplines those He loves for it is said in scripture “What father is there that does not discipline the son he loves” Mankind was cursed because of the fall of Adam. Now every person that is born, is born with original sin, through no fault of their own. We are deprived of the Holy Spirit A great offense was made to God, instead of love and gratitude, and obedience for the wonderful and holy state that Adam was in before the fall he turned his back on God, and looked to himself, Satan did the same thing, the sin of pride.and ingratitude, and arrogance. Yet God had compassion on man’s condition, knowing he could never repay the debt owed to God. So Jesus was sent to redeem humanity from this fallen condition. Restore the gift of the Holy Spirit , redeem man from the works of Satan. Man in following Jesus example humbles himself, Jesus humbled himself becoming man except in sin, and made restitution to the Father by offering Himself for the debt of humanity. Now man must humble himself before Jesus Christ by accepting Him and loving Him for who He is, the Son of God Man was dead, and with Christ he is born again with new life of grace, he was lost and now is found. God pursues each person as one poet stated " like the Hound of Heaven" But man has free will and he will always have the option to love himself more than God, or love God more than himself. If he chooses the latter he will be guaranteed that the Holy Spirit will cause him to grow in that love until he is united with God Man is restored to the state of holiness that God always intended in order to be united with Him, his final destiny.
Why do you say that an understanding of our debts in which we been forgiven inhibits our freedom to love? Isn’t knowing how much we’ve been freely given an incentive to forgive. Isn’t the Lord’s prayer saying that we receive our forgiveness in light of our forgiveness of others. If we have no debts what does that mean? No, I don’t find this a compelling explanation to embrace the no-debt view.The no-debt view is a move beyond, it is a freedom to love without the inhibitions of sense of debt. It comes, in part, as a result of forgiving the unrepentant.
I also reject the argument that God holds a grudge if we are in debt to him or others. Why can’t we be in debt without God holding a grudge? Just as the Son has squandered the Father’s wealth we and Adam have squandered many of the gifts that God has given us. We do have a debt, but God is forgiving and merciful right from the start and holds no grudge.In the debt view, this attitude would have been interrupted with a period of contempt.
This is True regardless of the views. I only see that someone who has had a debt paid and knows that others debts are also paid is more humble and less judgmental than someone who claims, “I’ve never had any debt”, and of course we understand he is a liar for all have sinned, but Christ and His mother.Forgiveness of the unrepentant involves a further development of faith, it involves letting go, and not all of the faithful are ready to take that step. In the mean time, there is a place in the Church for everyone, regardless of where they are in their journey.
Original sin can be seen as a teaching that keeps people in fear. Saying we are born separate from God, and until we are baptised, we are still in the contracted state of O.S, so through fear of not wanting to be separate from God, we are baptised and baptise our children. Does God want us to fear him from the moment of our birth?Hello Onesheep, I’ve returned
Perhaps this analogy help explain:
Imagine you are walking along the streets of a city, and lying on the street is a person asking for money/food. It is easily apparent that they are desperately in need, and moved by compassion, you generously and freely give them alms.
On the one hand, what you did was a complete act of charity–it was done freely out of love. What you did was perform a corporal work of mercy. On the other hand, you also paid a debt to justice. This wasn’t done in a way that felt obligatory or externally forced, but at the same time it certainly was morally required. CCC 2446 quotes St. Gregory of Nyssa, who says, “When we attend to the needs of those in want, we give them what is theirs, not ours. More than performing works of mercy, we are paying a debt of justice.”
Benedict XVI in his Encyclical Caritas in Veritate speaks about the “logic of gift”. Pope Francis will equate that with the “logic of Jesus” and sacrifice. This helps us understand where Pope Benedict’s (Ratzinger!) and Pope Francis’ “logic” comes from. Jesus’ Incarnation and offering on the Cross is done not in the first place to satisfy a debt, but freely to come to us out of love. This is what the emphasis is placed on in Introduction to Christianity, and rightly so. We can see the same emphasis in JPII (for just one example, check out Dives in Misericordia). But at the same time, he truly does satisfy the infinite debt we owe to God because of our sins.
So how do we solve the paradox? Quite frankly, we can’t. The Mystery isn’t for us to hold unto–it is always greater than we are, always opening up new pathways, for God is infinite. St. Augustine’s famous and incredibly moving saying comes to my mind, “Late have I loved you, oh Beauty so ancient and so new! Late have I loved you!”
And so we are called to embrace it all, even if we can’t understand it all. So we have God’s infinite love for us, yet apart from God’s intervention we are born with original sin and deprived of sanctifying grace. (O Mary conceived without sin, pray for us who have recourse to thee!) God is pure Reason, but also pure Freedom.
God bless.![]()
We could discuss “baptism of desire” and things like that, but OS is Catholic dogma.Original sin can be seen as a teaching that keeps people in fear. Saying we are born separate from God, and until we are baptised, we are still in the contracted state of O.S, so through fear of not wanting to be separate from God, we are baptised and baptise our children. Does God want us to fear him from the moment of our birth?
Maybe I should start another thread on the question…
Yes, I think I would not find it compelling either, with the limited amount of information coming from me, and not being familiar with duns Scotus and others.Why do you say that an understanding of our debts in which we been forgiven inhibits our freedom to love? Isn’t knowing how much we’ve been freely given an incentive to forgive. Isn’t the Lord’s prayer saying that we receive our forgiveness in light of our forgiveness of others. If we have no debts what does that mean? No, I don’t find this a compelling explanation to embrace the no-debt view.
Here, wmw, I think you are addressing the sense of debt I addressed at the end of my last paragraph. I think that you probably agree that “debt” takes many forms, but it all depends on the attitude of the Creditor. Or even, is God a creditor at all? Does He demand payment? Is there an “or else” on the part of God, a disfavor when payment is lacking? These are the questions which has answers that separate the legitimate views.I also reject the argument that God holds a grudge if we are in debt to him or others. Why can’t we be in debt without God holding a grudge? Just as the Son has squandered the Father’s wealth we and Adam have squandered many of the gifts that God has given us. We do have a debt, but God is forgiving and merciful right from the start and holds no grudge.
Yes, that is definitely more humble, I agree. I don’t see how a person who holds a no-debt view could think that they never had any debt unless they also see that no one else ever had any debt either.This is True regardless of the views. I only see that someone who has had a debt paid and knows that others debts are also paid is more humble and less judgmental than someone who claims, “I’ve never had any debt”, and of course we understand he is a liar for all have sinned, but Christ and His mother.
I’m not sure that in the debt-view such contact with God was impossible. I think that in both views, God was still in Adam, for we are nothing without God. Adam had a soul. However, Adam was in some way separated from his own faith. Was he separated from his own love of God, though? Was he really intending to tell God that he did not love Him, or instead did Adam’s own action inadvertently communicate lack of love? Remember, the prophets all had access to God. In addition, we cannot limit the action of the Spirit, right? Has the Church ever said that the Spirit was not active before the incarnation?One Sheep:
After Adams fall (one of pride and disobedience, and ingratitude) how could God require a debt that He knew Adam could not pay? Contact with God was not possible, Heaven was closed, the Holy Spirit was gone out of the life of Adam.
My own scope of the situation is that one thing that separates the two views is whether God ever took offense. If, for example, Jesus stood at God’s side when Adam defied the Father, did Jesus encourage God to forgive, for Adam did not know what he was doing? Did our omniscient Father, before He created Adam, know that Adam would disobey Him, and therefore planned to give and then take away?Humanity was doomed to sin and to Satan’s rule over sinful man. The just debt was humility, obedience, and gratitude, and love. When man offends God, does he love God? We owe God all our love (it is also the greatest commandment, along with love of neighbor)
Well, God could have created an infallible man. Such a man would be a complete robot. The rest of the paragraph is a legitimate variation of the “debt” view, except that the Prodigal son’s fathers’ attitude is not addressed here. Did the father take offense, or did he not? If he did, then that falls in line with the “creditor” view. If he did not take offense, because he already knew that his son would squander and so forth before he even gave him half of his estate, (but decided that the son would learn from error), then this would be part of a God-is-not-a-creditor view.God knew what would happen before it happened, He also knew He could not create an"infallible man" only God is infallible. You can’t make the same comparison between Adam and the Prodigal son, and the debt owed to the father by the prodigal son. Jesus used the parable to describe a son who was capable of fulfilling a debt that was owed to his father. a debt of love, apology (which was accepted before he even apologized), and now obedience and humility and love. Remember it was stated by the father that his son was dead and now alive, lost and now found. This was not possible to Adam, he was only given hope, the Prodigal son was given the Holy Spirit by Jesus with His coming. The hope had been fulfilled Jesus made it possible to pay the debt owed with His own life.
Yes, this is the way that “harmony” is achieved with the Father in the debt view (if the “payment” was demanded). However, the “harmony” I am referring to is the one that harmonizes the idea of a God who demands payment with one who never demanded payment. The idea of a God who is creditor vs. that God is not a creditor, the view that God disfavors in man for sin vs. the view that God never disfavors man, but is patient and loving even in the sight of sin and disobedience. This is a God that knows that all people, eventually, will embrace Him when they know Him. The God-as-creditor view does not share this optimism.So we have two entirely different scenarios . Even God’s treatment of humanity was different. From Adam to Jesus, it was the letter of the law, death for transgressions if you violated God by adoring false gods eg.among the chosen people. Now it is the law of grace, compassion, love, forgiveness, restitution, justice, truth Made possible to man by Jesus Now man can escape the rule of Satan and sin and he can do this only through Jesus Christ. The scene was changed completely. Jesus made it possible to harmonize the payment of the debt owed to God, and God’s infinite love for man. The Father always had infinite love for man, and His Son gave us Their Spirit, the Holy Spirit, the Executor of God’s will, man’s Salvation and union with God.