Cardinal says clock ticking for all in Catholic hierarchy over abuse issue

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Cardinal says clock ticking for all in Catholic hierarchy over abuse issue​

Archbishop of Boston says change only possible with significant involvement of lay men and women​

Fri, Aug 17, 2018, 21:00

Patsy McGarry

The chair of the Vatican’s Commission for the Protection of Minors has warned that “the clock is ticking” for the Catholic hierarchy when it comes to dealing with clerical child sex abuse.

“Catholics have lost patience with us, and civil society has lost confidence in us,” said Cardinal Seán O’Malley, who is Archbishop of Boston.

He said the church had yet to establish “clear and transparent systems of accountability and consequence for church leadership, whose failures have allowed these crimes . . .

. . . Cardinal O’Malley said “the crisis we face is the product of clerical sins and clerical failures”.
If there is one thing that bothers me more than anything else is that there might yet be another bishop out there still defying the Holy Father on cleaning up the seminary and barring those with same-sex attraction, or hoping that what is in their past will still fly under the radar. Someone posted where their diocese had listed the names of those priests with credible accusations. The time for this to happen was back in 2000. The second best time would be now, so there is not another landmine waiting to explode. The media will report stuff from 70 years ago like it is brand new if they get wind of it first, and most readers will not use enough discernment to notice.

Yet we have seen not all bishops get this. Jesus taught the good shepherd is willing to lay down his life for the sheep, yet we could have another shepherd that is not even willing to lay down his pride, or his career, for the Church. Ironic, seeing how the red of the cardinal-ate is supposed to signify martyrdom.
Tick tock indeed.

I remember lay men and women being angry after Boson, but nothing like this.
I sincerely hope that Pope Francis is up to the job of reforming the Church here in the United States. This whole scandal has made me seriously angry, especially now that I have a little boy whose job it is mine to protect.
What saddens and indeed accuses more than anything is that in these threads there is barely if ever a word for the abused, for the children whose lives were damaged forever by those purporting to be of Jesus Christ. and that so many posts are refusing to acknowledge that what matters is the reputation of the Church. There WAS massive abuse… there WAS a cover up at the highest level by senior members passing themselves off as holy, righteous men of God. There are no excuses and the more the Churc AND Catholics make excuses as is being done here, the deeper the Church sinks into the mire. Here in Ireland we have the visit from the Pope in a few days and there is tumult in certain quarters . No excuses can be made and no apology is ever enough for the betrayl and suffering ad abuse this country and its children suffered. And here also, all about the Church . Small wonder folk abandon the Church . Number crunching where abusive priests are concenred, and ah well, most are dead so that is fine.They abused thousands of inncent children; where is your compassion? Where is the shame? Francis rightly opens his letter by referring to that we are all one part of the whole… te Catechism also says clearly that when one part sins, the whole is affected l. The victims nust come first and they are not so the chuch is worse than even the reports allege. It has lost the soul ,the compassion of our loving Lord in seeking status where there is none now … praying now for safety for all this weekend for there is deep outrage here.
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