This radio interview accomplishes two things:
But their exclusion from the priesthood should not be seen as discrimination, he said. People should understand that the church has a sacred right to discern men suitable for priestly ordination. "
"Or, in some situations, he said, homosexual acts may be a way to please someone in order to obtain favors. "
- It makes very clear that the Vatican instruction rules out all but homosexual men with transitory tendencies:
But their exclusion from the priesthood should not be seen as discrimination, he said. People should understand that the church has a sacred right to discern men suitable for priestly ordination. "
- Unfortunately, the examples of temporary episodes may leave Catholics wondering if these fellows are the best the Church has to offer (drunkards and convicts and those who committed homosexual acts to garner favor). See below:
"Or, in some situations, he said, homosexual acts may be a way to please someone in order to obtain favors. "