Patriarchs SHOULD come before cardinals, but is that actually the case? Are you guys sure about that? Either way, people still speak of patriarchs being ELEVATED to the rank of cardinal

. I remember that was the term used when the Chaldean Patriarch was recently created a cardinal…he was reportedly “raised” to the dignity of the purple

Isa: I’m pretty sure the Coptic Patriarch ranks before the Melkite Patriarch. The Melkite only holds Alexandria as a “personal title”, while Alexandria is the Coptic Patriarch’s true see. The Melkite Patriarch’s see is actually Antioch…with Alexandria and Jerusalem as additional “personal” honors. As for the three Patriarchs of Antioch, precedence would generally be determined according to their date of creation, though the Melkite Patriarch’s additonal personal titles of Alexandria and Jerusalem may place him about the Maronite and Syriac Patriarchs…anybody know?
Is this the basic order of precedence in the Catholic Church?
Pope of Rome
Eastern Patriarchs
Latin Patriarchs (Lisbon, Venice, Jerusalem, and Goa/East Indies)
Major Archbishops
Latin Primates