I used to give people money here in Mexico, because I felt SO sorry for these homeless people, and moreso as an American.
Anyway, I tried something. Some said they were sick, needed money for medical attention. At that time, I offered to give a taxi lift to the local Red Cross, that attends them cheaply, said I’d pay whatever they needed. I had FOUR people I offered this two, allegedly so sick, needing money for treatment. NOT ONE took me up on my offer for help. They all wanted CASH!
We’ve had cases where people, some homeless, given food, sandwich, etc., throw it away, on the ground, whatever, again, looking for cash.
We have had people here who have cut themselves up, poured a kind of dye in there to make it look REALLY pathetic. They can also put tourniquets on their legs to make them swell up, all to get cash…generally for some drug addiction.
Some had these TREMENDOUS deep wounds, and for a time, I felt SO sorry for these folks, many of which were also homeless.
Anyway, I gave left and right until an article came out here on Yahoo Mexico of a new drug here in Mexico, which is nicknamed, the people’s “heroine” or some such thing. It said it would eat into their skin.
No wonder they didn´t want to see a doctor! They, with their drug addictions had caused all this to themselves! They just wanted MORE cash for this.
Often, they´d be terribly skinny, but again, that is often due to all the drugs. Addicts are often REALLY skinny.
Some admitted to me to having addictions, and I offered to take them, by cab, to a shelter for people with addictions. NONE would have any part of it, preferred to sleep in the street and beg.
Some would get all dolled up…put on a mask…got a crutch…limped around! lol It was an act, though, near as I can tell, to get money for drugs.
We had one guy, who, I am told FAKED blindness!
We had another guy who faked having one leg, was later seen walking around! lol
I’ve given people money for many things, and many did NOT use the money for what they asked. One said he wanted money for a cane. Got him that money…no cane.
Some do NOT want to get better, as well. I spoke to one doctor who said he knew of a case he was willing to treat, but the panhandler said if he got better, he couldn´t beg any more! So, he refused treatment!
I’ve seen so much that I prefer to give to the Church, or to people I know who are legitimate, but there aren´t many of those about.
We had a guy saying he had been recently released from prison, didn´t have enought money to make it home. Lo and behold, someone told me that guy had been telling people that SAME story for TEN years!
So…be careful.