Carl Jung and Myers-Briggs

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As far as I know, he never attributed the collective unconscious to the supernatural, but to our biological evolution.
I’m definitely a true introvert- but I can fake extroversion well. I’ve always had careers where I have to deal with people (teaching and now nursing). I use my days off to recuperate.
I know more than a few doctors that don’t have people skills either. 🙂
I’m actually an extrovert but I tend towards perfectionism and OCD. I’m not OCD, I just have some tendencies in that direction. I’m not shy but I don’t seek out people either. I’m sorta an extroverted introvert! 😂😂. I tend to avoid crowds but if I’m in one, I’m not uncomfortable with it. I’ll also talk to anyone, I just don’t usually initiate the conversation. I also have always had a very small circle of friends…usually, only one maybe two at a time. I can’t remember what what my Meyers Brigg score was but I thought it showed how I present myself more that how I really think of myself.
It is nothing wrong with taking a Myer-Briggs test, but you should know its limitations. There are of course many more than 16 types of people in this world, so you don’t really know what a person is like just because of the test. What type you are on the test can also change throughout your life. And of course, you can fake the answers if you want to, so an employer using it is pretty worthless IMO.
I know what you mean. I’m not OCD but I have some tendencies too. I can get that way with patient care with things like labeling my lines, having to have wound care supplies set up a certain way, et cetera. I hate following nurses that didn’t have their ducks in a row. I’m that person that wipes down everything in the nurses’ station and cleans out the break room fridge. It’s crazy that I didn’t realize this about myself until like two years ago though. I thought I was easy going- lol.
When my employer tested me, turns out, I’m an INTJ.
Me too! But I took the home test version from my wife who was studying for a degree in HR. I found the awareness of these types and tendencies a great help in understanding my own behavior and the behavior of those close to me. So, yes, I’m a INTJ. The “N” is the most troubling part of my personality. I tend to plan out a project, and then, when the plan is done, in my mind, the project is done. I don’t follow through and actually do the project. I need the help of an “S” to get it done.

One important thing to remember about all M-B types is that they are only tendencies. They are not inevitabilities. People can and do force themselves to behave in ways contrary to their type when necessary. I’m thinking of actors who are introverted by nature, but can force themselves to behave like an extrovert. Or me, with my tendency to plan and not follow through. I can follow through. I just have to give a little more effort to do so.
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Same here.

Or more often, do the plan, think about the several ways this plan can fail and don’t even bother with executing the plan because of what might go wrong.
I was a big ardent reader of CJ but stopped as he had very strong gnostic beliefs and believed that God and Satan is the same, just as our psyches have all that is good and evil and suppressing the negative causes it to uproot in shocking ways.

He had an assistant called Babara Hannah who in the midst of “active imagination” to explore the archetypal symbols of the psyche , communicated with a demon. The source of this is from her own book The Animus, if it was a figurative figure or not i don’t know.
Katharine Cook Briggs and Isabel Briggs Myers developed the M-B types during World War II to help identify suitable jobs of women entering the workforce. They were not students of Carl Jung. They were practical women who used very practical empirical studies to develop their theories, which is very different from Jung’s method of clinical observation and introspection. I don’t think any of Jung’s philosophies had any effect whatsoever on the Meyers or Briggs.
Honestly I was a pre-med student and the fact you even recognize that at all puts you ahead of a few of my former classmates.
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