Carthusian monastery

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I am curious about the Carmelitts and are interested in gathering as much information about them as even possible.

Should location matter for me? I mean if the nearest monastry is 500 miles away from my country should that have anything to say when making my choise?
Yeah, typically, I think it’s good to at least take a look/inquire more info about the one closest to u, or at least the one that’s in or very close to the same country as u.

But if u are still looking for some info about who the Carmelites are (as far as how they started ~ and what they typically do), I’d recommend looking at the info located on these 2 Carmelite hermit communities (both are located in the U.S.):

If u have specifics that you’d like to know, I may be able to answer some of them, since I discerned at a Carmelite hermitage (in the U.S.) for a good amount of time.

God bless! 🙂
Also, there are the Carmelite Monks in Cody, Wyoming. They are more enclosed, cloistered & +/- lead a partially hermetic life. You might know them already as they are +/- famous for their Mystic Monk Coffee…They have many hours of prayer both in common & in private.
Their founder has tried to apply to them as much as in possible for men, the OCD life as envisioned by St. Teresa of Avila for her nuns. Their cells are in tiny individual cabins…

Pleterje - Central EU monastery, near my home. I have some very dear friends - monks. Their liturgy is so beautiful and peaceful.
I simply like Carthusian way of life and it’s possible I will join them, if God wants that.

In prayer with you,
frater Attempto
Given you’re location says you’re in in Northern Europe try St Hugh’s Charterhouse in the UK.
Fr Tim Finigin is a parish priest in England, but he is also a lecturer in theology for the novices of Parkminster. He has been given permission to take photographs of the charterhouse, although generally not of the monks themselves.

If anyone is interested, they may want to visit Fr. Finigin’s blog
The Hermeneutic of Continuity

He posted a Flickr set of photos he took in 2006. It has the advantage of bringing many photos together all at once. However, it deprives the viewer of the descriptions he provides for each photo at his blog.

Here is the Flickr set

Here is an example of the description he provided on meals at Parkminster, along with the relevant photographs.

I think the detailed descriptions are worth the time it takes to explore his blog posts.
Was going to send you an American link. Glad I didn’t. Can’t be of help except to wish luck and grace to you. Same thing really, only twice as much of it.

The stricter orders seem very hard, I thought about it but I don’t think I can manage.
It is great to see others seriously consider them.
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