Hate crime legislation gives special rights to a certain group. In this case, homosexuals and in some places, crossdressers. It is wrong and not Christian.
Tell me why a group, such as homosexuals should need extra rights? I thought the constitution guarantees all citizens freedom of speech, freedom from violent assault, etc. If homosexuals as a group suffer a high rate of violent crimes, then look at what the cause is. The cause is the homosexual lifestyle, not heterosexuals ‘hating’ them.
Homosexuals are extremely promiscuous. They can never really trust each other, due to the nature of their relationship, being a perverted and distorted one. Jealousy reigns and the resulting deeds of revenge can get very violent. Their act of intimacy is not a true giving of each other, since it is impossible because of their same gender.
This legislation is unneeded since we have laws against violent assualt and such. It does make a murder committed against a homosexual more egregious than against a normal grandmother.
Also, such legislation is being used to try to force us women and young girls to use public restrooms with strange men who want to pretend they are women!!! This shows how this group is allowed to do what it wants at the expense of the safety and privacy of women. We will not put up with it. What a lack of common sense! We will just not be able to visit certain cities since we women cannot be guaranteed protections.Currently the Lansing City Council wants to enact this on Nov. 20. Please e-mail the city concil members if you care about the safety of women and children.
Also read all the tracts at the Catholic answers home page for starters. The great commandments apply to homosexuals, too.
I guess the big problem is that homosexuals, by and large hate themselves and so apply that to everyone else, both homosexual and heterosexual. They have many times been abused or rejected by their parents and then they do these totally self-destructive acts and out of their despair hate everyone and everything. Lying is a big part of their lifestyle, too, to themselves and everyone else. Still all this doesn’t mean they should have more rights than everyone else. Actually, it is homosexuals who are prone to commit violence, due to the great hatred they bear everyone else.
Maybe we need to add heterosexuals to the hate crimes legislation. We are the ones who need protection from their acts of violence and hatred.