Cathechism Class teacher dropout

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I have taught Cathechism to children in the 7th and 8th grade who have not attended classes before and some are not baptized. This was my first semester I just finished. It was the hardest thing I have ever attempted. I went in and resigned today. These kids constantly kept me on edge. I completely lost my enthusiasm for sharing my faith with these teenagers. I am a 55 year old Man so it was not that I couldnt handle them. They didnt want to be there and at the end I didnt either. I am feeling guilty for quitting. I was kind of left to my own devices as most materials are for the younger kids. I was sure my love for Jesus would help me show them the way, but most dont attend Church (I know parents fault). The good thing is having to research class material I learned many things I didnt know and teaching them the rosary resulted in my saying the rosary every day now ( i never said the rosary since being in school). The DRE was sorry to see me leave and said I really helped the kids. Thanks for letting me vent a little!!!
Sorry that the kids have lost you. We need folks like you. There is a prayer that is part of the Liturgy of the hours thats asks God to help us keep working for the faith, even if we get little encouragement and see little results for our work. I am older than you and have 15 and 16 year olds in Confirmation prep-1st year. The young people in my class sound exactly the same as those that were in your class. Many could not look up a simple bible verse. I see it as a penance and like you continue to bring up new ideas to get their attention. I had some luck lately in showing the video, “The Prince of Egypt.” Now they know who Moses was. I brought in a police whistle to signal for quiet. I have thirty kids, much too large a class. There is zero interest among the lay parishioners to take over my group. I pray you will go back.The seeds that you plant may not sprout for years, but may save one soul.

May God bless you,
Deacon Tony
I have taught Cathechism to children in the 7th and 8th grade who have not attended classes before and some are not baptized. This was my first semester I just finished. It was the hardest thing I have ever attempted. I went in and resigned today. These kids constantly kept me on edge. I completely lost my enthusiasm for sharing my faith with these teenagers. I am a 55 year old Man so it was not that I couldnt handle them. They didnt want to be there and at the end I didnt either. I am feeling guilty for quitting. I was kind of left to my own devices as most materials are for the younger kids. I was sure my love for Jesus would help me show them the way, but most dont attend Church (I know parents fault). The good thing is having to research class material I learned many things I didnt know and teaching them the rosary resulted in my saying the rosary every day now ( i never said the rosary since being in school). The DRE was sorry to see me leave and said I really helped the kids. Thanks for letting me vent a little!!!
Wow, Path! You certainly did have a time of it and I can so relate, I had 7th graders too. I retired this year after 30 years…I’m 60. I loved the kids but you touched upon all the reasons why I won’t go back, although I have to admit that I really miss teaching, like you, I found that I learned a lot in my prep for classes. Whatever you do, don’t beat yourself up for this…You were left to your own devices and that can be pretty scary. The other thing that can be frustrating is the fact that most these kids don’t even go to Mass. I’m sure your love for Jesus did rub off on them…to bad you quit just now because you’ve already gotten over the hump…the rest of the year should be all down hill… You might want to rethink things. I’ll be praying for you.
God Bless,
Thanks so much for both your kind posts ,I needed them!!
Your very welcome! I hope it helped PM me if you need any further talk, etc. Annunciata:)
I FEEL YOUR PAIN!!! 😃 I was roped into assistant teaching my 4th grade daughter’s RE class (I am so NOT wired to be a teacher) and so far it’s been overwhelmingly exhausting and frustrating. The lead teacher and I spend most of our time trying to “manage” the behavior of a highly energetic group of about five 10 year old boys who have about as much interest in things spiritual as they do in knitting. We have tried any number of strategies (my co-teacher works with troubled teens and I’m the mother of three)–you’d think we’d be a good team. I haven’t thrown in the towel but am hoping for some inspiration over this much anticipated break!
Island Oak:
I FEEL YOUR PAIN!!! 😃 I was roped into assistant teaching my 4th grade daughter’s RE class (I am so NOT wired to be a teacher) and so far it’s been overwhelmingly exhausting and frustrating. The lead teacher and I spend most of our time trying to “manage” the behavior of a highly energetic group of about five 10 year old boys who have about as much interest in things spiritual as they do in knitting. We have tried any number of strategies (my co-teacher works with troubled teens and I’m the mother of three)–you’d think we’d be a good team. I haven’t thrown in the towel but am hoping for some inspiration over this much anticipated break!
You only have 5…try 20 7th graders!😃 mostly boys the last year I taught…I find boys easier than girls at this age. As I told Path in a previous post that the year should be pretty much downhill from now on. The kids aren’t really interested in religion…most are there because they have to be. I taught Confirmation age 14-16yrs. for 25 yrs., 1st grade for 2 and 7th for 3…I really loved the kids…I basically had “problems” w/ the new DRE…so I retired.
Cheer up! Things will get better. Annunciata:D
as one of the resident DREs here, I feel your pain, having handled 7th & 8th grade alone, with the help of high school seniors for crowd control for the last 2 years. This year finally got good catechists. 8th grade boys are taught by a cop, best idea I ever had was recruiting him. he has come directly from work in uniform a couple of times–amazing effect on discipline.

please, please, don’t quit, you were called by the Holy Spirit to this apostolate, you just got the toughest assignment this time, please look for the age group you feel more comfortable with. You might find juniors and seniors much more rewarding to teach, since by then, they are here because they want to be.

somebody like you might also do very well a bit younger, 4th & 5th grade who are high energy, but much more enthusiasm for everything. just learn to take advantage of their energy instead of trying to fight the tide.

NOTE - you say some were unbaptized, they should be in RCIA and it is fundamental that for the purpose of baptism the church considers them adults, and they cannot be forced, indeed under canon law may not be forced to participate or to receive the sacraments. this involves much more than classroom instruction, it is a conversion process that must be nurtured and discerned.
I have taught nearly all ages over the last 20 years, from pre-school to adult ed. Junior High is one of the most challenging, but can also be one of the most rewarding.

A couple of things I have learned that have helped me tremendously.

I always try to pray during the day for my class that evening. Not just a quick prayer, but offer a Rosary or Divine Chaplet for my class. Then I try to remember to do so right before class, and we always start off the class with a prayer as well.

With kids this age, sometimes the discussion or the activity goes in a different direction than you plan. Sometimes this is OK. We had one evening where the kids were very attentive and asking some very good questions (not necessarily what I had planned) yet they were amazed at some of the answers!

We also let the kids pick which subjects (out of about 20) they wanted to cover this year within our curriculum. Reminding them that these are the topics they chose to learn about sometimes helps them pay more attention.

I also try to give personal examples when possible, or share some of my faith journey when appropriate. Kids this age really respond well when you are open with them.

It is a challenge, but sometimes you have to remember that the ones that seem least responsive might just be the ones that are soaking it all in. You never know how many seeds you’ll plant in these kids that might never have been started if not for you!

As others have said as well, this just might not be the age group for you, which is fine. Most parishes I know would welcome help with any age. Also, sometimes we just need a break, and that’s fine, too.

With prayer and open-ness to God’s will for us, He will make it clear where you need to be. God bless you for the time you have spent with this class!

I’m so sorry to hear that the frustrations you have encountered have led you to quit. Being a catechist is one of the most important things you can do in the church, as the youth are the future of the Church, the future of Society.

I taught for 3 years until the DRE “fired” me because I answered the question of a student who asked if it’s a sin to hunt. "No, God gave mankind dominion over the beasts. However, if you’re simply shooting at random animals without any intent of eating what you kill, you might want to consider if this is proper stewardship of the gifts that God has given us.

Oh, and I prayed too much (started each class with what I refer to as a rosette, an Our Father, 3 Hail Mary’s, & a Glory Be). I also scheduled monthly confessions for the students, knowing they were likely not going with their families, as the parish confessions are on Sat evening 1/2 hr before Mass and there is infrequently anyone participating.

This last, and apparently problematic year, I was moved from the little kids (which I loved) to the 6th graders. My daughter was the only student I knew for certain would be in the class at the beginning of the year. None of her classmates from the previous year had parents who understand the importance of Confirmation. But when the first night of class came, we had a large class of 2 students, the other student having not been catechised since 3rd grade.

This is the first time I’ve talked about being fired (other than to my pastor / spiritual advisor). She dropped the bomb at the end of the year, and I decided to keep my mouth closed and see what happened. Since I told absolutely no-one, I knew that if anyone knows, it would have to be from her telling tales out of school. When I talked to the Pastor, he confirmed that I hadn’t taught anything incorrect and offered to talk to her with me. However, she was difficult to work with for the 3 years I taught.

At the same time, I also came to the Rosary through teaching the kids and I came to my reversion as a direct result. I’d been attending church, and asked to teach, but it wasn’t until the second year of teaching that I really got hit upside the head by a 2x4 by the Holy Spirit, after helping a students Mom who was dying of Cancer. On the day we thought was her last our class Prayed the Rosary and she lived another 3 weeks. This gave her sufficient time to have final conversations with her three children. And in working with her, I was in the proper frame of mind to help my cousin when my aunt died the same week.

I miss the kids and would like to teach again, but I guess this is a break I’m meant to take. By the end of the year last year, my class had grown to 4. The two boys who joined also hadn’t been catechised in years. One hadn’t participated since 1 week before 1st confession, and completed this sacrament for the first time during the year. His uncle, a priest, gave him his first communion without the sacrament of confession offered. The other had stopped attending after 3rd grade. At least I know that 1.) by the end of the year they all knew their basic prayers (which they didn’t when they came to me) and 2.) the one family that hadn’t attended RE since 2nd grade is still participating.

I know that in the past I have also had the opportunity to plant seeds with kids. It’s a special gift when God allows us to play this role. Hang in there and don’t give up if anyone thinks you’re being effective. Remember with kids this age, they are very unlikely to let you know they appreciate what you’re doing, even if you’re changing their lives.


Yeah it is totally your choice, and I know where you are coming from. I taught confirmation classes, I am 26. Kids are hard to reach, but it is awesome hearing from the few that are really touched by the end of the year. We need good strong catholics in there. All the ones at the church I went to…didn’t know TRUE catholic beliefs, they thought contraception was ok…would miss mass themselves. We just need good roll models for the kids. Maybe you can find some other way to help the kids/church. My last year was really hard too, and I found a new way to help, now I go to other churches with my band and play and give talks.

God Bless, Keep praying
If being a catechist did not work out, and you still want to work with kids, rather than say, adults in RCIA, consider finding another way to help, like boy scouts. Usually Ad Altari Dei, the Catholic scouting award, is worked on with an adult leader outside the trooop.

When we came down here I was told in 2 parishes I could not be a catechist because I did not speak Spanish, We volunteered for an after-school tutoring problem, and ended up working with kids recovering after brain injury to get them back up to speed in schoolwork. since many of them had missed CCD and first communion due to their problems, where parents and pastors agreed we also prepared them for first communion, using resources provided by the parish.
My wife and I taught a confirmation class, so I can appreciate the frustrations you exprerienced.

I have frustrations teaching RCIA that aren’t quite that bad (I have few students and they don’t always appear at class when they are scheduled to do so). It can be tempting to quit, but I always remember the words of Mother Theresa: “God does not call us to be successful, He calls us to be faithful.” In other words, as long as we doing what God is calling us to do, don’t worry if it seems like you’re spinning your wheels.

Still, if you feel God is calling you to do something else with your time and talents, by all means find another means of sharing the Gospel.
One other word, do not feel guilty about resigning as a catechist (or any other church ministry, for that matter) if you have honestly discerned through prayer that you are in the wrong position. Sometimes we fear we will let someone down if we quit, but if the job is truly not the one you are meant for, that means the Holy Spirit has someone else out there who should be doing it. If you step aside for good reason, that leaves room for the right person to answer the call.

Before agreeing to serve as a catechist or any parish ministry, apply the same standards of prayer and discernment you would to any other choice of career, who to marry, life changes etc. Whatever you do, don’t allow yourself to be “roped into” something that you know is not for you. You won’t be helping yourself, your parish or those you work with.

it may be that if you leave, the position will remain vacant. perhaps that is what the Holy Spirit intends. Perhaps the CCD program needs to change before that class resumes, perhaps all kinds of things need to happen before the position is filled. Don’t feel bad if you can’t fix what is broken, it may not be your call to fix it.
I’ve been looking for a good forum for catechists. Are there any places where teachers can discuss things, on this board or elsewhere?

I’ve been finding good resources online to suppliment our program, but I can always use more (name removed by moderator)ut. We use the Sadlier We Believe series, which I think is wanting in many areas. (Someone at Sadlier needs to be told that liberation theology is dead.) Right now I have 18 4th graders and no classroom (we teach in the church itself). The first class was like feeding time at the monkey house, but it’s getting better. I just need more activities to break up the class, but we really can’t color or paste or do any kind of crafts because we don’t have the space.
I’m sorry that teaching wasn’t the experience you had hoped for; as the other posters suggested, maybe you can try another age group- I teach 5th and 6th graders who are preparing for their 1st Reconciliation and 1st Holy Communion and they are so enthusiastic and eager to learn (and have a LOT of energy!).
  With that said, let me just say that teenagers are the HARDEST age group to teach, because we want to look cool and flippant and that sort of thing (you know, the attitude that makes you miss out on so much). I remember my Confirmation class was horrible and our teacher just couldn't handle it. I would try to participate in class and would write letters to her encouraging her because she really was a very nice woman and I was sad to see her so discouraged. She eventually quit though. The good thing that came out of it was that I realized that I can't expect someone to spoon-feed me my spirituality- I have to take responsibility for myself and learn as much as I can.
So Path, maybe you can try again- you never know how many lives you have already touched or have the potential to touch! :o
. I just need more activities to break up the class, but we really can’t color or paste or do any kind of crafts because we don’t have the space.
4th graders like to move, and like to work in groups. you are doing commandments and beatitudes, lots of opportunity for skits to act out situations that call for moral decision making. go to St Vincent or Goodwill and pick up for $10 or less some funky things for costumes, even hats, assign characters and situations, give them time to plan their skit and act it out - key is to relate the situation to the commandment, and the overall teaching. Since you are in church, use every opportunity to teach reverence, tell the story of Our Lady’s Juggler, and make sure their acting is dedicated to Jesus and Mary before you begin.

also use the Church itself as a catechetical tool, What is everything, what is it used for, why is it there, pictures in the stained glass windows, what do they represent, stations, statues etc. Use vigil lights to teach types of prayer.
Path, your experience sounds so familiar to me. I am teaching 21 7th graders in CCD this year. I’ve taught CCD and sacramental prep for many different age groups for the last 10 years. I have also been very discouraged this year. The children are such a challenge: rude, poorly catechized, clearly don’t want to be in class. On more than one occasion I have gone to my car and cried at the end of class.

The other posters have given excellent advice. In spite of my frustration, I will continue and at least finish out this year. The positives are these:
  1. This experience has strenghthened my prayer life greatly. I pray for each of the children, and spend some time in prayer specifically for the class every day we meet.
  2. It has made me more creative in trying different things to reach them. Some things that you think will delight them actually ‘bomb’, but others that you doubt will attract them will. My biggest surprise success this year was to take them to the sanctuary to discuss the different symbols / icons and their meanings. On the other hand, they hated the Christmas party that they helped to plan.
My best advice is to pray about whether you should continue, with this group or another. It is a calling, and sometimes it feels like carrying a cross. Think of yourself as a farmer who sows the seed, but may have to move on before the harvest is ready. You may not know whether you have made a difference, but that really is not our job. Ours is to be faithful in sowing the seed that has been given to us.
I too decided to quit a couple of years ago from teaching 11th grade CCD. The class was mainly for public school kids who had not yet been confirmed.

I have worked with H.S. kids (Chemistry and Football coach) for over 35 years in Public Schools. But I can see teaching in Public School is quite different than having a group (20 to 25) for 1.5 hours once a week.

The problem , as I see it, is discipline. At CCD there is no organized discipline. There was a curriculum written by the paid Curriculum Director.

I hate to say it but the ones to disrupt, to constantly chatter and to arrive late were the girls - not all but the majority of them. I used many of the techniques I’d used in P.S., but they knew there was no disipline beyond me. I felt sorry for the half that did want to learn. So rather than subject the “good” ones to strict discipline I explained it to the Director and left. I have 4 children, and if one of them disrupted a CCD class like some of those kids…they’d get a bit of Harsh disipline.

I feel your pain. I (a guy) taught 6th grade CCD for 2 years. About 15 kids. Many were good, but a lot didn’t want to be there. In the first year, there was a critical mass of girls who acted up big time. The other 6th grade catechists had good groups and didn’t believe my horror stories. At least until one of them substituted for me and the kids reduced her to tears.

A few years ago, a waitress at a restaurant came up to my wife & me and thought she recognized me. Turns out, she was one of the girls from my first year as a catechist. She’s in training as a teacher and was doing her student teaching. She tells her class that they can’t pull anything over on her because she knows all the tricks and has probably done it before. She said to me, “We really put you through hell that year didn’t we?” I wished her well and told her that what goes around comes around.

She came by later to thank us for all we do for the church.

You will never know (this side of heaven) all the good you will have on others.

My wife & I now work in marriage preparation with the engaged couples. We can see quite a bit more immediate return on our invesment in this ministry.

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