Catholic Activists to Cdl. Mahony: "My Donations Return When You Leave"

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Catholic Activists to Cdl. Mahony: “My Donations Return When You Leave”

“20 Years of Scandals is Enough! Cardinal Mahony Must Resign—Now!” Catholic Activists Launch “Collection Basket Strike” in L.A. Archdiocese to Force “World’s Most Scandalous Cardinal” Out To: National Desk

Contact: Kenneth Fisher, Founder and Chairman,Concerned Roman Catholics of America, Inc. (CRCOA), 714-491-2284,

ANAHEIM, Ca., Feb. 17 /Christian Wire Service/-- “We urge all Catholics to stop giving money to the world’s most scandalous Cardinal,” says Kenneth Fisher, Founder and Chairman of Concerned Roman Catholics of America, Inc. (CRCOA). “20 years of homosexual, pedophile and heresy scandals is enough! It’s time for Cdl. Roger Mahony to resign.”

The Catholic activist group is launching a “collection basket strike” aimed at pressuring Cdl. Mahony out of office. “For years the Cardinal has turned a deaf ear to anguished complaints from lay people and even priests,” Fisher stated. “So the people in the pews are now talking in a language he understands—MONEY.”
It’s the right approach.
It’s really a shame that money is going to be used to do this. Some claim that is why the church is heterodox now, because of monetary support. Father doesn’t want to step on anybody’s toes with the truth or they will no longer contribute.

The Church should not be swayed from the truth or towards it by money.

But, it may be the only way left to remove the disobedient dissenters.
If Rome does not understand verbal & written complaints, maybe a hit in the pocket book will get some attention.

The $$$ from the abuse settlements gets people’s attention, too bad poor Liturgical practices don’t.

It’s really a shame that money is going to be used to do this. Some claim that is why the church is heterodox now, because of monetary support. Father doesn’t want to step on anybody’s toes with the truth or they will no longer contribute.

The Church should not be swayed from the truth or towards it by money.

But, it may be the only way left to remove the disobedient dissenters.
The fact is they are right. The teach based on the money flow, not based on the Gospel. My feeling is that if I get the anti-Gospel or some watered down Gospel, my money is better sent elsewhere. I’d rather see our churches go to zero dollars than to continue to see dissenters allowed a platform week after week.
I would not stop giving the money, I would just redirect it to…maybe…the Vatican with a letter stating the reasons why.:bigyikes:

I would not stop giving the money, I would just redirect it to…maybe…the Vatican with a letter stating the reasons why.:bigyikes:

I think you have something there.
I would not stop giving the money, I would just redirect it to…maybe…the Vatican with a letter stating the reasons why.:bigyikes:

Well as one who lives in the Los Angeles Archdiocese, I can honestly say that the situation is pretty bad. I cannot see myself giving more than I need to. Aimlessly, you took the words out of my mouth - You can re-direct your tithing.
Wow, a collection basket strike, what a wonderful idea. I really hope the campaign catches on in L.A., as I am in firm agreement that the sooner Cardinal Mahony is out of there, the better off the Church and countless souls will be.
I would not stop giving the money, I would just redirect it to…maybe…the Vatican with a letter stating the reasons why.:bigyikes:

Thats another great idea, either give to the Vatican(Peter’s Pence), or to an orthodox Catholic apostolate such as EWTN or Catholic Answers.👍
This is a very good idea. 👍 There is an easier way to keep your tithes away from Cardinal Mahony but without hurting your parish. :yup: Believe it or not there are a few good parishes in the diocese of Los Angeles with very traditional orthodox priests.:gopray2: :gopray: :gopray2: :gopray: I live in the Diocese of Orange and I’ve been told that you can specify on your check what the money is to be used for (you can even specify a ministry that you would like the money to go towards). If you don’t want your money to go towards the diocese, specify it on the check “**NO PART OF THIS MONEY IS TO BE USED FOR OTHER THAN THIS PARISH I DO NOT WISH TO CONTRIBUTE TO CARDINAL MAHONY’S HERESY!”:mad: **
This is a very good idea. 👍 There is an easier way to keep your tithes away from Cardinal Mahony but without hurting your parish. :yup: Believe it or not there are a few good parishes in the diocese of Los Angeles with very traditional orthodox priests.:gopray2: :gopray: :gopray2: :gopray: I live in the Diocese of Orange and I’ve been told that you can specify on your check what the money is to be used for (you can even specify a ministry that you would like the money to go towards). If you don’t want your money to go towards the diocese, specify it on the check “**NO PART OF THIS MONEY IS TO BE USED FOR OTHER THAN THIS PARISH I DO NOT WISH TO CONTRIBUTE TO CARDINAL MAHONY’S HERESY!”:mad: **
Leaving out the part of Mahoney’s heresy, that is a good idea. My hubby just reminded me of a code in Canon law regaridning something liek this. I am paraphrasing here but if you designate you money for a specific use then it cannot be used for anything other than.
This is a very good idea. 👍 There is an easier way to keep your tithes away from Cardinal Mahony but without hurting your parish. :yup: Believe it or not there are a few good parishes in the diocese of Los Angeles with very traditional orthodox priests.:gopray2: :gopray: :gopray2: :gopray: I live in the Diocese of Orange and I’ve been told that you can specify on your check what the money is to be used for (you can even specify a ministry that you would like the money to go towards). If you don’t want your money to go towards the diocese, specify it on the check “**NO PART OF THIS MONEY IS TO BE USED FOR OTHER THAN THIS PARISH I DO NOT WISH TO CONTRIBUTE TO CARDINAL MAHONY’S HERESY!”:mad: **
I agree at the parish level for the most part. However, I believe, no matter what the case, part of the monies in the regular collection goes to the diocese.

But for the second collections that go directly to the diocese, I would suggest returning the envelope with the following not:
Money for this appear has been forwarded to:
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