Yeah, I saw that tweet. It definitely caused a great deal of confusion, but the way people responded to him and the way people address other clergy on social media, including the pope, is completely outrageous and out of line.
I mean, obviously everyone has to be careful about what they post online, especially clergy (and personally I think clergy accounts on twitter should be verified much like media generally are, that way everyone knows who is really talking.) That said, it was not right for these people to jump all over this man and send out flaming tweets without considering whether or not there was a misunderstanding and a point he needed to clarify. I’m interpreting his tweet that @pnewton quoted to be his clarification. I’m still kind of confused, but I’m going to let him worry about it.
I get that people are really angry about the Church, and concerned about things clergy, including the pope, may do, tweet, or say. At times I have questions in my own heart about some of these things. But social media truly is a toxic place for religious people if they’re not careful. People seem to forget that we have to account to God for even the things that we post online. We may be anonymous to other people, but not to God.