Catholic archbishop tweets he doesn’t ‘want or have’ Jesus as King

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He must send his auxiliary bishop out to say the Mass at the Cathedral on the Feast of Christ the King then, hmm?

I hope this was just a case of some old guy who didn’t think before he tweeted.
Or it could be a case of something that didn’t happen. I could not find it on any news site.

This is from his Twitter site:

I worship Jesus reigning from the Cross, whose “kingdom is not of this world” and who “casts the mighty from their thrones”…I don’t favour royalist ideologies “of this world” which make Christ remote, the Church triumphalist, the Pope and bishops princely etc.^google|twcamp^serp|twgr^author
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Or it could be a case of something that didn’t happen. I could not find it on any news site.
Huh? It happened, the tweet is still sitting on Twitter with its 128 responses.
I just screenshotted it a minute ago (below)
I presume the Archbishop added his long explanation because he was getting flak for what he said.

(Please Note: This uploaded content is no longer available.)
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There’s a lot of opposition to any reference to, or feast of, Christ the King. When I taught religion the teacher manual regarded it as an embarrassment in modern times

They wanted something like Chtist the Facilitator, Christ the Chairperson, not Someone who calls us to conversion
Yeah, I saw that tweet. It definitely caused a great deal of confusion, but the way people responded to him and the way people address other clergy on social media, including the pope, is completely outrageous and out of line.

I mean, obviously everyone has to be careful about what they post online, especially clergy (and personally I think clergy accounts on twitter should be verified much like media generally are, that way everyone knows who is really talking.) That said, it was not right for these people to jump all over this man and send out flaming tweets without considering whether or not there was a misunderstanding and a point he needed to clarify. I’m interpreting his tweet that @pnewton quoted to be his clarification. I’m still kind of confused, but I’m going to let him worry about it.

I get that people are really angry about the Church, and concerned about things clergy, including the pope, may do, tweet, or say. At times I have questions in my own heart about some of these things. But social media truly is a toxic place for religious people if they’re not careful. People seem to forget that we have to account to God for even the things that we post online. We may be anonymous to other people, but not to God.
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Christ the CEO
President Christ
Coach Christ

Seriously, as a US person I’ve never been big on kings outside of fairytales and medieval storybooks, EXCEPT for Christ the King. Because he really is the ultimate all-powerful benevolent ruler.

I suppose if you don’t like Christ the King, you have a big issue with Mary our Queen too.
I’m rather happy the feast days for both are not going away any time soon.
Peter Kreeft speaks of a saying that he knew of in academia, where something is so ridiculous it takes a PhD to think of it. I do think that clever theologians often out clever themselves, and this may be what happened. In responding to what he thought was the purpose behind the initial message, that is the dangers of a theocracy and the times when legislating morality does not work, and in trying to be witty in that response, he went full circle into the ridiculous.

Twitter is probably the worst method of discussing theology devised by Man. We should emulate Jesus and stick to something like parables, or moral fables, any time we do not have the time or energy to fully discuss a topic.
Usually people do not say one thing and that is it as it is a twit.I agree with you about the twits,Mr Newton
Last night ,I read a bit about him and listened to a video " Why Jesus matters in Modern Australia" from June or July this year.
Listening about Jesus is quiet time ( for me).
It added. His approach and relationship with Jesus was nothing close to " not want" or weird stuff. On the contrary.
I will not second guess him. I hadn’ t even heard of him till yesterday. Just will take a twit …as a twit!
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Well, we do have the ancient feast of Christ the Guidance Counsellor of the Universe coming up…and it’s octave, the memorial of Christ the Chief Life Coach.
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I agree. I think he was trying to get at the personhood of Jesus but muddled it all up. Honestly I’m not a fan of any public figures, esp clergy, commenting on stuff personally on Twitter. An official twitter for announcements and stuff sure, but imo using it to randomly comment on stuff leads to problems. Twitter only allows very simple comments which are then open to interpretation by anyone without any real dialogue going on. Then if you say something hastily or unclearly it can never be taken back. Just imo.
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