A prudential objection to capital punishment would be this: it is unwise to use it. A doctrinal objection would be: it is immoral to use it. The church allows disagreement about prudential claims but not about moral doctrines, so we may validly disagree about capital punishment if our disagreement is prudential.I don’t understand what this means.
You know what the popes, the USCCB, and the CCC say on the subject. Are they or are they not going against Church teaching by saying what they say?
- “Prudential” has a technical theological meaning… It refers to the application of Catholic doctrine to changing concrete circumstances. Since the Christian revelation tells us nothing about the particulars of contemporary society, the Pope and the bishops have to rely on their personal judgment as qualified spiritual leaders in making practical applications. Their prudential judgment, while it is to be respected, is not a matter of binding Catholic doctrine. To differ from such a judgment, therefore, is not to dissent from Church teaching. *(Cardinal Dulles)
There is a significant difference between a teaching (feed the hungry) and the application of that teaching (increase food stamps). The former is a doctrinal obligation, the latter is a prudential opinion. Neither supporting nor opposing food stamp subsidies is a doctrinal issue. In just the same way, opposing the use of capital punishment today raises no doctrinal questions and cannot be said to be contrary to church teaching. Even though church doctrine has always recognized the legitimacy of a state’s right to use capital punishment, opposing that use for prudential reasons is legitimate (whether it is accurate is a different issue).