Catholic Attending Both Catholic And Baptist Churches

  • Thread starter Thread starter JMazar
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There is only one Church and that’s the Catholic Church which God created. If would be more accurate to say you attend both a parish of the Catholic Church and a baptist fellowship.
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The method of Baptism is not really the issue, the volition of who is baptised is the question. This issue also exists between Baptists and Lutherans, Methodists, Presbyterians and so on. Paedobaptism (at ~ age of 8 days) has its own justifications, volition of the baptized is not one of them. What Baptists won’t recognize is the lack of volition.

This goes back to the early reformation era when re-baptisers (otherwise known as Anabaptists) were a factor.

Paedobaptism invokes the blessings of the parents, volitional baptism invokes the profession in faith of the baptised, both require the blessings of the church and our Holy Savior.

The Baptist practice holds much more in common with confirmation as it is understood in the Catholic Church.
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I am a Catholic who attends Saturday Vigil Mass at the local Catholic parish. I also attend the local Baptist Church every Sunday morning. In May 2017 I was Baptized via immersion at that Baptist Church as a public profession of faith that I had embraced Jesus as my Lord and Savior and started trusting in Jesus alone for salvation. In September 2017 I took a 10 week membership preparation class from the Pastor of that Baptist Church. In January 2018 I went before the congregation at that Baptist Church to give my testimony on how I received salvation. I was then voted in as a member of that Baptist Church by the congregation and the Elders. I am an usher at that Baptist Church.
We Catholics should be working to bring all Christians to the Catholic faith, when possible, because the fullness of the faith subsists in the Catholic church and not in others. It is possible thorough our witness and good example and standing for the truth as upheld by the Catholic Church.

From St. John Paul II, 1990, redemptoris missio:
Other great obstacles to the Church’s missionary work include past and present divisions among Christians,57 dechristianization within Christian countries, the decrease of vocations to the apostolate, and the counterwitness of believers and Christian communities failing to follow the model of Christ in their lives. But one of the most serious reasons for the lack of interest in the missionary task is a widespread indifferentism, which, sad to say, is found also among Christians. It is based on incorrect theological perspectives and is characterized by a religious relativism which leads to the belief that “one religion is as good as another.”
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Likely sock puppet of a user who kept posting like this on the EWTN forums as “M.P. Mazar” years ago, then here under such handles as jdisciple, “Louis Mazar”, “Albert Kopsho”. Got banned pretty quick.

His posts were always along the lines of “I’m a Catholic but I don’t believe this. I don’t believe that.” Now it seems to be a variation on the same theme.
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