Catholic Bible Lover Trivia Challenge

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Eldad and Medad are famous for what?
Their prophesy

Numbers 11
God instructed Jeremiah to take some of the priests and elders to the valley of Ben Hinnom. What did God instruct him to buy and take with him?
Their prophesy

Numbers 11
Maggie, you’re good for someone down and out!
I’m just wondering now how good you’ll be when you’re at your best.😃 CORRECT!
God maybe, no one knows…
Deuteronomy 34: 5-6
5 So there, in the land of Moab, Moses, the servant of the LORD, died as the LORD had said; 6 and he was buried in the ravine opposite Beth-peor in the land of Moab, but to this day no one knows the place of his burial.
More like angels - in the Epistle of St.Jude there is the mysterious passage of Michael The Archangel, disputing with the devil, about the body of Moses …
Hope the following is o.k for this thread - if not feel free to delete :o ( My find for today - wanted to share )
Was Jonah, in the belly of the whale for just disobediance out of hatred of Ninevites ( enemies of Israelites …)or also being in a ship of pagan mariners ( unsure if jews had laws against this ) who cry out to their god due to the storm …after Jonah is thrown aboard , they see that the sea calmed down …‘the men feared the Lord exceedingly and sacrificed victims to the Lord and made vows.’ - .? human sacrifices ? could they have mistaken that The God that Jonah worships, is pleased with such, since they thought Jonah died …and here, God had wanted Jonah , to proclaim His mercy …
A case of how serious scandal can be - when given by the Elder Brother .( The Church ).and may be inviting the three terrible days for Jonah, in the belly of the whale …who even then don’t seem to get it …
How hard hearted we can be … Lord, have Mercy …and keep us from the hardness of our hearts …
God instructed Jeremiah to take some of the priests and elders to the valley of Ben Hinnom. What did God instruct him to buy and take with him?
God instructed Jeremiah to take some of the priests and elders to the valley of Ben Hinnom. What did God instruct him to buy and take with him?
1 Thus said the LORD: Go, buy a potter’s earthen flask. Take along some of the elders of the people and of the priests, 2 1 and go out toward the Valley of Ben-hinnom, at the entrance of the Potsherd Gate; there proclaim the words which I will speak to you:
Jeremiah 19:1-2
New Question:

What did James say was a small part of the body, which made great boasts?
Honoria20 said:
1 Thus said the LORD: Go, buy a potter’s earthen flask. Take along some of the elders of the people and of the priests, 2 1 and go out toward the Valley of Ben-hinnom, at the entrance of the Potsherd Gate; there proclaim the words which I will speak to you:
Jeremiah 19:1-2

Correct! 👍
What king of Judah was diseased in his feet?
  1. David
  2. Asa
  3. Jehoshaphat
  4. Hezekiah
If a man shall steal an ox, or a sheep, and kill it, or sell it; he shall restore ----- oxen for an ox, and ----- sheep for a sheep (Exodus 22:1).
  1. Five, four
  2. Three, seven
  3. Four, two
  4. Two, three
New Question:

How long did Hananiah say it would take for God to break the yoke of Nebuchadnezzar?
New Question:

How long did Hananiah say it would take for God to break the yoke of Nebuchadnezzar?
2 years

Jeremiah 28:3-4

3 Within two years I will bring back to this place all the articles of the LORD’s house that Nebuchadnezzar king of Babylon removed from here and took to Babylon. 4 I will also bring back to this place Jehoiachin [a] son of Jehoiakim king of Judah and all the other exiles from Judah who went to Babylon,’ declares the LORD, ‘for I will break the yoke of the king of Babylon.’ "
cmt said:
If a man shall steal an ox, or a sheep, and kill it, or sell it; he shall restore ----- oxen for an ox, and ----- sheep for a sheep (Exodus 22:1).
  1. Five, four
  2. Three, seven
  3. Four, two
  4. Two, three
Five & Four
Exodus 22

“If a man shall steal an ox, or a sheep, and kill it, or sell it; he shall restore five oxen for an ox, and four sheep for a sheep.”
Five & Four
Exodus 22

“If a man shall steal an ox, or a sheep, and kill it, or sell it; he shall restore five oxen for an ox, and four sheep for a sheep.”
Correct! 👍
2 years

Jeremiah 28:3-4

3 Within two years I will bring back to this place all the articles of the LORD’s house that Nebuchadnezzar king of Babylon removed from here and took to Babylon. 4 I will also bring back to this place Jehoiachin [a] son of Jehoiakim king of Judah and all the other exiles from Judah who went to Babylon,’ declares the LORD, ‘for I will break the yoke of the king of Babylon.’ "
Complete the following in respect to Christs second coming: Let no man deceive you by any means: for that day shall not come, except there come…`
  1. All the above
  2. The apostasy
  3. The man of lawlessness
  4. The falling away
Complete the following in respect to Christs second coming: Let no man deceive you by any means: for that day shall not come, except there come…`
  1. All the above
  2. The apostasy
  3. The man of lawlessness
  4. The falling away
  1. All the above
2 Thessalonians 2:3-4

3 Let no one deceive you in any way. For unless the apostasy comes first and the lawless one is revealed, the one doomed to perdition, 4 who opposes and exalts himself above every so-called god and object of worship, so as to seat himself in the temple of God, claiming that he is a god–
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