- To protect Privacy I won’t be giving any names. My apologies if this is confusing
I’ve received so many different types of “religious” chain letters it’s not even funny.
What really upsets me is when I receive them from religious Brother and religious Sisters. By the way, I’ve known religious Brother for years and religious Sisters for about 3-4 years now
Yes, I’ve told them why it upsets me and not to send me those type of messages anymore…The religious Sisters understood but I’m not too sure if the religious Brother understands.
Here is what I E-Mailed him:
How do I find out about other things like chain letters I recall my mom (she was informed by a Priest or Religious person a long time ago) telling me when I was a child that chain letters were evil and with these so called “Prayer chain letters” I agree with my mom (and whoever told her). Why? Well, if you pay closer attention most if not all of them threaten people or they request you to make a wish.
St. Theresa’s Prayer
Don’t know how many Catholics there are out there receiving this message, but in case anyone is interested, Saint Theresa is known as the Saint of the Little Ways… Meaning she believed in doing the little things in life well and with great love. She is also the patron Saint of flower growers and florists. She is represented by roses. May everyone be blessed who receives this message.
Theresa’s Prayer cannot be deleted. REMEMBER to make a wish before you read the poem. That’s all you have to do. There is nothing attached. This is a powerful novena. Just send this to four people and let me know what happens on the fourth day. Do not break this, please. Prayer is one of the best free gifts we receive. There is no cost but a lot of reward.
(Did you make a wish?) If you don’t make a wish, it won’t come true.
Last Chance to Make a Wish.
May today there be peace within.
May you trust your highest power that you are exactly
where you are meant to be…
May you not forget the infinite possibilities
that are born of faith.
May you use those gifts that you have received, and
pass on the love that has been given to you…
May you be content knowing you are a child of God…
Let this presence settle into your bones, and allow
your soul the freedom to sing, dance, praise and love. It is
there for each and every one of you…
Send This to 7 People within the next 5 minutes and your wish will come true Please send this back…you’ll
And this is the religious Brother’s reply
Don’t you think that the Communion of Saints exist? I’ve seen my mother perform a couple of miracles using the Statues of Mary (to stop a forest fire) and of Saint Joseph ( to stop a fire from burning our wheat granary : she made the wind change direction and saved the barn
I don’t mean to be rude to the religious Brother but I told him anytime I receive these so-called letters I’m not going to open them but just delete them. Hmm, maybe that’s a bit too harsh but I trust in Our Lord and Blesed Mother more than I do men/women even if they are religious.
I also received Our Lady of Guadulupe and a picture of Jesus crown of Thorns. I have to admit they are moving pictures but the message of threats are not so moving.
Another thing I wonder, is the St. Theresa’s Prayer. Hmm, which St. Theresa are they referring too? Is this “prayer” genuine? I’ve read a few prayers, novenas, quotes, etc. on St. Therese but I’ve never came up with this prayer. Has anyone?