"Catholic" College Searching- Help!

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Mandatum Schools

This is a partial list of U.S. Catholic Universities who publicly require all Catholic theology professors to have the mandatum (their bishop’s recognition of their pledge to teach in communion with the magisterium of the Church).

Canon 812 reads: “It is necessary that those who teach theological disciplines in any institute of higher studies have a mandatum from the competent ecclesiastical authority.”

see the list
The university you pick depends heavily upon what you want to study.

If you want to be an electrical engineer, I’d recommend a medium-sized public research university rather than a liberal arts college. Sure, you could go to Christendom or Thomas Aquinas and get well-rounded, but after four years and $120,000, you would know precious little about electrical engineering. You may have been able to pick up a bit of a background in math and physics at the liberal arts school, but you would have been better off going to a cheaper public university to start with, and you could end up with a Master’s degree in the same amount of time and for a very small fraction of the price.

If you’re interested in becoming a teacher or studying social sciences or liberal arts, then go to one of the smaller Catholic schools. If you want to study theology, then you certainly need to go to a good Catholic college or university.
Wow, I see that someone resurrected a really old post… hehe, I guess I’ll reply to myself.

After many college visits and what I believe to be subtle and not-so-subtle signs from God directing me, I have settled on the University of Notre Dame! I’m so excited! The school is amazing… can’t beat the academics, the school spirit is great, the campus is beautiful, everyone is friendly, and the students are really spiritually-oriented and down-to-earth. I think it’s a perfect fit :o)

So good luck to any other teens out there still college searching. Just know that it’s worth it in the end… all the work during high school, the work to find the right college, the work of applying. Don’t give up. You’ll end up where God wants you to be–where you’re supposed to be, at the school which is right for you and will help you grow into the person God wants you to be. And it’s a fantastic feeling when you find out exactly where that is… believe me!
After many college visits and what I believe to be subtle and not-so-subtle signs from God directing me, I have settled on the University of Notre Dame!
I heard a great story about ND recently. When the V- Monologues came to campus, a student who was disappointed that the school would allow such a thing, sought and received permission to hold an hour of adoration at the same time, followed by a speaker on theology of the body. Rumor has it that some folks left the monologues and headed for her even instead. Her “alternative” event was very well attended. There are Catholic teens making a difference! —KCT
Have you considered this?
Our daughter is graduating the end of this month from Trinity Western University/Redeemer Pacific College. This unique campus is located just outside of Vancouver in British Columbia, Canada.

Redeemer Pacific College is an associate college of Fransiscan University of Steubenville. The Archdiocese in BC, partnershipped with Trinity Western University to start a Roman Catholic teaching center on campus with TWU. It is a wonderful college and our daughter has recieved a top-notch education both spiritually and academically. Trinity Western University is considered the top christian college in Canada. School size is approx. 3,000.

An additional bonus is the fact that the price is so reasonable compared to private college tuitions in the states. And with the exchange rate between US and Canada the cost is even lower.

Our daughter will recieve her degree from TWU (a combination of RPC courses and TWU; and in addition she has earned a “Catholic Studies” cerfificate from RPC). Degrees earned from TWU are recognized and respected all over the world.

For further information and a better explanation than I gave -
Check them out at:
Redeemer Pacific College
Trinity Western University

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