Catholic Colleges

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Besides Franciscan University, and Ave Maria, what other orthodox Catholic Colleges are there? thank you!!

Rachel <><
St. Thomas Aquinis in CA, Christendom, um… I am thinking.

Oh duh! the one my oldest two want to attend is Magdalen

Hope that helps some, you might contact catholicity or ewtn and they could direct you to more.
There are so many out there, Notre Dame is excellent , so are Georgetown, 'Nova, St. Joe’s, Duquesne, Depaul, BC.
There are so many out there, Notre Dame is excellent , so are Georgetown, 'Nova, St. Joe’s, Duquesne, Depaul, BC.
The question was over orthodox Catholic colleges 😛
For orthodox teaching in Catholicism, I can recommend Ave Maria (I believe its in Michigan?) and The University Of Dallas, in Irving TX. There is also a wonderful conservative Catholic subculture at, of all places, Texas A&M university, in College Station Texas. Locally we call it “the OTHER Catholic college” since I live near to UofD. 👍
Peter Kreeft once told a joke at a conference I attended. He said that his students at Boston College often ask him what the difference is between Franciscan University of Steubenville and Boston College. He replies, first of all, Boston College is a Jesuit College whereas Steubenville is a Catholic college.
St Mary’s College of Madonna University. It is a satellite campus in Orchard Lake MI. It has a foundational CAtholic Intergrated Core Cirriculum that gives a foundation in theology, philosophy, and Western Civ. THese classes are taken as gen-eds along w/ math and science and whatever your major is. I am enrolled in it and Fides et Ratio, the Pope’s encyclical calling for the union of faith and reason in education was the idea that Dr. John Hittinger used to develop “the core.” It has really given me a firm foundation to defend my faith against any questions- man, I get a lot of questions about it! Check it out at and go to the Orchard Lake campus. It rocks!!!
Franciscan University of Steubenville! 👍 I’m a student there. :cool: Our Lady Seat of Wisdom Academy up in Canada is a nice prep college…the classes taught are recognized will transfer Ave Maria, Thomas Aquinas in California and Franciscan University. I believe there is Thomas More college in New York that has a fairly good repuatation, as well. Magdalen College in New Hampshire is solid…'cept it’s just a lil too small. 😉
Love warm weather? Love Catholicism??? Ave Maria is up and running in Naples, FL. And they are going to be building a beautiful church that will hold 3,000 people. Got to love Domino’s Pizza! 😃 BTW, it smells a whole lot better in Naples than in Steubenville…plus you get to see the sunset and dolphins jumping in the Gulf… :dancing:
I went to Stuebenville for one semester of Grad school. I did love the liturgy and classes, but my blood is too thin from living in Florida for it to get cold in late August. 🙂 I came home at Christmas to 75 degrees.

One day I woke up and the whole town smelled. At first I thought it was something in my room, then I left my room. Perhaps it’s something in the house, then I left the house. Oh my gosh…this whole town smells!! Apparently it does that every now and then. 😃 I do love the versions of the Lamb of God and Gloria that they use during Mass…cool echo versions!!! Most people that I have come across here in Florida have a bad taste in their mouth concerning Stuebenville grads…I’ve heard that’s a common feeling through most of the South.
Note to self: Do not head south. 🙂
No, please head south and head to MN too. We desperately need orthodox Catholic graduates.

I live just next to Collegeville, MN, home of St. John’s University, and dubbed “the breeding ground of liturgical terrorists”. SJU theologians speak at our parish once in a while and can almost be guaranteed to mention women’s ordination or the seamless garment strategy to elect Democrats, oops, I mean defend life. :rolleyes:

I have hear similar ‘negative’ comments about FUS grads, but it is only because they threaten the way things are. (Do you think the Protestants had rosey thoughts when St. Francis de Sales came to town?) 👍
No, please head south and head to MN too. We desperately need orthodox Catholic graduates.

I live just next to Collegeville, MN, home of St. John’s University, and dubbed “the breeding ground of liturgical terrorists”. SJU theologians speak at our parish once in a while and can almost be guaranteed to mention women’s ordination or the seamless garment strategy to elect Democrats, oops, I mean defend life. :rolleyes:

I have hear similar ‘negative’ comments about FUS grads, but it is only because they threaten the way things are. (Do you think the Protestants had rosey thoughts when St. Francis de Sales came to town?) 👍
Thanks for the support… 🙂 You think Minnesota is in bad shape…try Oregon as well. :rolleyes: I’ve never really heard negative comments about FUS grads, so it’s good to hear them sometimes so that I can be slapped awake into the real world. [We FUS students live in a bubble] I will try heading towards Minnesota but don’t blame me if I get lost. I’m bad at geography. 😛 I’m also VERY sure that Protestants and Catholics alike welcomed St. Francis de Sales with OPEN arms and rosey thoughts because he was, after all, not from FUS… 😃 God bless your day!
Benedictine College is an awesome Orthodox college. It is located in Atchison, KS. Both my husband and I attended this school. It is located about an hour north of Kansas City. It has very solid Theology and Philosophy departments, with plenty of opportunities for daily Mass, daily Confession, Adoration, and fellowship! The monks of Benedictine Abbey are all top notch Men. The website is Good luck in your search!
Heading towards Minnesota, you say? Check out the University of St. Thomas. The Theology department here has gotten so out of hand that professors and students have rebelled against it to form…the Catholic Studies department! This is a very orthodox group of students and professors who are sick and tired of the garbage being spread throughout the relativistic Theo dept. at a supposedly-Catholic college. Although I myself have never taken Catholic Studies courses, my friends rave on and on about how inspiring and life-changing these classes are. I know plenty of students who are majoring in Catholic Studies, and they are all very orthodox and very much in love with the Truth.

But remember, wherever you go to college, there will be good students and bad students, no matter how Catholic your college claims to be. You just have to find the right crowd.
There are so many out there, Notre Dame is excellent , so are Georgetown, 'Nova, St. Joe’s, Duquesne, Depaul, BC.
The question referred to orthodox. As a graduate of both the University of Notre Dame and De Paul University, I can attest that they are not orthodox. Neither has required the Mandatum of the local bishop, probably because they know it would not be granted.
One day I woke up and the whole town smelled. At first I thought it was something in my room, then I left my room. Perhaps it’s something in the house, then I left the house. Oh my gosh…this whole town smells!! Apparently it does that every now and then. 😃 .
It’s the smell of the steel mills 🙂 Pretty nasty. I second the suggestion to visit the Register site to read about colleges where the profs have signed the mandatum. Another is DeSales, just north of Philly. My dd has been accepted there and is waiting to hear about a financial aid offer. —KCT
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