Catholic Covington students. Web page improvements requested

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Catholic Covington students. Web page improvements requested.

Thanks so much to everyone above who posted comments so that a true picture of what happened could be better well known.
Their parents must be so proud?: Controversy about Kentucky pro-life marchers DC Catholic News
Well at least the Bishop of Covington has downgraded “possible expulsions” to “what corrective actions, if any, are appropriate.”
I consider the Catholic Covington students the true heroes of every good social movement. When treated with harsh and unfair verbal and physical attacks they, overall, as a group, responded most admirably. I consider the constant loud ponding of drum in another person’s face as a physical attack.

I want to share the good comments above with some relatives who do not have the desire to read through two hours worth of documents. I freely, and quickly by my standards, quoted many of your comments above.

If I did not give you the attribution that you desire, then please let me know.
Or if you do not want me to quote you, again please let me know.

I plan to add a link to this web page.

Are there any other needed quotes or links.
My purpose is to create a short as possible, but yet thorough, examination of the facts.
I did not include every alleged accusation against these students.

When I get more time I will address the alleged use of the “Tomahawk Chop.”
Being a college football fan it is easy to see that even if they did this it was not a disparaging or insulting action.

Rather, it is meant to identify with the Native American Indians, and that they, and by extension we – since we are the Seminoles - are the good guys.
The Florida State Seminole football fans consider the “Tomahawk Chop” as a good thing, just as University of Florida Gator fans consider the “Gator Chomp” a good and complimentary action. It is a way of saying that We, the Seminoles, or the Gatores are the good guys.

I think football fans are sometimes little envious of Florida in that we have easily used and identifiable hand gestures to identify who we align with.
Also, the students sing the melody that of the Florida State Seminoles. Again as positive way of saying, “We identify with the Seminoles (we are the good guys.”++

The Florida state. Seminoles song goes something like
Wow wow
Wow wow wow.
Wow wow wow

( Be glad that you can only Read my singing and not have to suffer listening to it.)

Please let me know of any needed improvements of the web page below.

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The Bishop of Covington owes the boys an apology for publicly threatening expulsion without doing any investigation.
Indeed he does. Has there been any statement yet since they dumped all over them?
I added a nice picture of
Pope Saint John Paul II in Native American Indian attire.

On another occasion is was very helpful to the Native American Indian that I was talking to at that time. The Native American people that I have personally met are really nice and gracious people. I don’t think Nathan Phillips is a good representative of how most of them are.

Thanks again to the Forum and everyone who has helped show the true picture.

Yea, that’s how I read it. Then they realized how premature they were and put out a statement, which replaces their normal diocesan web page and say in effect, “no more comments, we don’t want to screw up again”. But it is disheartening IMO, that their assumption right away was that kids attending their high school and then attending the Pro-Life March were in so very wrong. Weak leadership.
I would like to add, please what I learned. Covington has a long standing cheer called the “SUMO”
Thanks Dacinom,

I added new page with your good research.
Email me your actual name if you think it would be a good idea to add it.
I decided to add my name, since an Anonymous article might seem to some as not credible. I think the facts speak for themselves, but others seem to need a lot of help to see the obvious.


I would love to offer Nick Sandmann a T shirt a high resolution image of JP2 in Native American attire.

He could wear it to his next interview.
Pictures speak when a person is not listening to the meaning of the words.

St. John Paul II was a hero for the pro life movement.

Is Pro Life just another issue in Social Justice?

It is the foundation of all the other rights we have.
If a politician offers you, good job, healthcare, good environment, etc, tomorrow,
but also adds one little detail that he is going to pay someone to kill you tonight, would you be happy ?

Of course, our Democrat politicians don’t say we will get killed, we just have to agree that innocent babies get killed.

Does anybody have a way to contact Nick’s parents ?
If so please send private message.
Or use email at Web page

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Well done Bishop Foys. When I said earlier in the week the Bishop owed an apology, I didn’t expect it to happen. I am often to cynical. It takes a good man to admit such a mistake. I am very impressed.
It takes a good man to admit such a mistake. I am very impressed.
To me, it looks like he changed course again to save face. Hopefully, he’s contrite; however, I personally wouldn’t let this transgression slide so easily.
I read his explanation as rather sincere. And he met personally with the families of the boys. No cause to no give him the benefit if the doubt.
Even if he’s contrite and sincere it’s still disturbing behavior. This “Saving Face at All Cost” strategy has already damaged the Church.
Indeed, I referred to it above as weak leadership. He admitted as much in his statement.
I think one way of exposing the media bias is to show how they bought completely into Mr. Nathan Phillips’ explanation of events. And I believe the best way of showing the unreliability (the dishonesty) of Mr. Phillips is to quote him. Or even better show video of his claims so there is no doubt that the words are his. Then I will show a new video that I am in the process of making exposing that what he claimed had happened is completely false.
I’m awaiting my video software to make my comprehensive video. Meanwhile consider the following,


our students were placed in a situation that was at once bizarre and even threatening,” he said. “Their reaction to the situation was, given the circumstances, expected and one might even say laudatory.”
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I will show in the video how the Washington Post was the first to report Nathan Phillips accusations. And how they were forced to correct that account as new information became known.
To be fair, I will present Nathan Phillips testimony, in his own words how he confronted this great evil.

I might include the following Bible passages.

Luke 6:22
“Blessed are you when people hate you,
… and insult you,
and denounce your name as evil
on account of the Son of Man. …
Behold, your reward will be great in heaven.”

Sirach 27:4-6
… so do a man’s faults (appear) when he speaks. …
so too does a man’s speech disclose the bent of his mind.” NAB

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