*a. where do i go to meet a real, nice catholic guy who is actually willing to wait until marriage for sex?
b. where does a girl go who’s under 5 ft tall and is pudgy due to genetics and height? i meet lots of nice guys, but once they see a pic or get a description, they decide i’m too short or “fat”. yes, yes, i know i’ll be told to ‘wait, they just can’t look past physical attributes’, but, gosh, i actually don’t judge a person by their looks, i really try to look at what’s inside. why can’t men do that, too?*
Do not worry too much about where to go to “hunt and search” for someone. God has a plan in mind for everyone, though we may not always know what it is. If He has that someone special in mind, He will not let you miss out.
Too much of the mentality these days is to put the cart before the horse or stir the fires of passion with romance, dating, and catchy one liners, BEFORE there a non-romantic friendship has been developed and fostered.
The problem, too many opportunities to develop lasting friendships are ruined, by awkward attempts on dating people that one barely even knows.
The biggest concern is that rather than praying to and trusting in God to show us who He has (or does not have) in mind, it is like telling God, “When I find the right person, that is who I will marry”.
In Christ J.M.J.