We see the world around us and reason forms an understanding of its structure - physical, psychological and ontological.
We each exist, individually as persons.
Persons exist in relation to the world and to God, the Ground of their being. We have the capacity to know the world as it truly is, in and through Christ. The world stripped of the stain of sin is one of beauty and wonder.
The other exists and we can know them through love. Loving one’s neighbour is the awareness of one humanity of persons. In Christ we are one, where in Adam we are fragmented within ourselves and as a holy community. At the Foundation of everything is Love, eternal, infinite, Triune and One.
God is Existence, is Beauty, is Love - the perfect relationship between the Father and the Son, united in the Holy Spirit, the Breath of Existence shared and becoming One in the giving.
God is everywhere and in everything.
Everyone knows this although it is buried. We have to pray and work on our relationship with God, surrendering our hearts and intellect to Him. This seems to usually happen when we realize we are getting nowhere, juggling what we know.
And in the end, its funny because we knew it all along.
So what exactly is meant by certain here?
It is as certain as one’s own existence.
These are not things that we think up, but rather that we know. There can be doubt of both because of the ignorance inherent in the human condition. We tend to lose ourselves in the illusions of the world.
It is in the reality that such illusions exist, but not through them that we know God.
We distance ourselves from God once ego steps in. God possesses us; we cannot posses Him. And, we may fall over and over again as a purification because we come to know God becoming Christ-like. The knowledge of God that we possess, isn’t ours per se. It is the relationship between oneself and God, developed as we travel on the Way that is Jesus Christ.