You are correct.
The Church defines/teaches “predestination” that is different from what some Protestant sects teach as “predestination”. IN Catholicism, “predestination” means that G_D has “predestined” all of us for heaven. If G_D is the archer and we are the arrows, ever arrow shot by the archer is predestined to reach the target. It is our own imperfections, such as our allowing the wind to blow us off target, that prevent us from reaching the target.Sorry to have to ask, but I thought predestination wasn’t something that was in line with Church teaching? Isn’t that a very serious heresy? (I’m not trying to be snarky, honestly just curious)
What you’re saying may be true, but it looks like the person I was responding to was espousing the Protestant version of predestination, based on this passage.Only He knows those He called to and predestined for salvation
This comes from the writings of a number of saints, including the Early Church Fathers. The Eucharist will ALWAYS be celebrated somewhere in the world, even during the chastisement/tribulation. It will, however, be hidden. As the faithful had to be during the French Revolution and (more recently) during the Mexican Cristero War (1926-1929), so will all Christians/Catholics be. The Eucharist – the Living Body of Christ, His Body and Blood, Soul and Divinity – will be the sole source of light during those dark times and will be the reason that the Anti-Christ will not completely conquer the world.… it was another poster who alluded to the Eucharist holding back the anti-Christ. I have never heard of this, theory, nor have seen it in Church teaching. (But then again I am no scholar).