No, ribozyme, you are on the wrong track. We should not burn these interesting studies (even if we could!); we should on the contrary spread these important results so that they become more known, to ordinary people and to shakers and movers.
I think that in the short-term, humanity would be better off with lies. Eventually, we would have to confront this unpleasant issue. Dereliction to the scientific method will eventually harm us.
I just do not want the public to react to this research with mass hysteria. I cannot live with inequality, and I want to reduce it! In order to reduce it we have to significantly alter allele frequencies in populations.
The body of research you refer to demonstrates that there this is little doubt that there are real, quite large and partly genetically determined differences in general intelligence between ethnic groups, and that these differences are likely to be an important causal factor behind the ethnic differences in degree of civilization (broadly speaking) we all can observe.
The general point is of course that we will have little chance to solve social problems if we burn research that shows their true roots! Specifically, there is no way we can solve problems related to intelligence differences, including ethnic intelligence differences, unless we study their genetic underpinnings. And, sure, eugenics would probably be one of the more powerful - albeit not the only - method to help Africa (Unless of course these groups return to the kind of life they lived before meeting Western civilization, and which they are biologically adapted to - but that seems irrealistic in a globalized world.)
I agree that we have to delve into the molecular level to elucidate the nature of these differences. If we cannot do this, I do not see how embryo selection would be effective to rectify this problem. Embryo selection is particularly potent as it ruthlessly selects on the genotypic level, in contrast classic eugenics selects discriminates based on phenotype of the parents. In order to establish an egalitarian utopia, we need to significantly reduce innate differences in cognitive ability.
Lynn cites the *narrow heritability * of intelligence (i.e. accountable to the effects of additive genes) is .71, while *broad heritability * is .09 (accountable to dominant and recessive genes). (Lynn 2001: 156).
The formula Lynn cites to estimate the average IQ of a population under various selection programs is:
x1 = x - mh^2 + m
x1 = mean of the 1st generation; x = mean of parents; h^2 = narrow heritability (Lynn uses h^2 = .71)
Actually, the formula is x1 = (x - m)h^2 + m (Lynn did not write the formula correctly).
Now, let’s apply this formula to explore the efficacy of various eugenics programs. If we sterilize all mentally retarded (2 standard deviations below the mean), this raises the average IQ of the population to about 101. The next generation’s IQ would be raised to 100.77. A more stringent program allowing only the top quartile to reproduce (minimum IQ ~ 110; average IQ of top quartile ~ 118) yields an average IQ of the second generation of ~ 112.8. For a hypothetical scenario of using artificial insemination, let’s suppose sperm from a donor has an IQ of 145 (3 standard deviations above the mean) and the person being inseminated by this sperm has an IQ of 100. Applying the formula yields a average IQ of the progeny to be about 116).
Tautologically, the average IQ of a population is 100 (well, using today’s norms at least).
Now let’s evaluate the negative facets of these three scenarios: The first does not offer significant gains in the short term; the second scenario is impractical as it involves mass sterilizations (but it has decent gains); the third scenario has notable gains but by tautological definition an IQ of 145 is quite rare thus cannot be used on a population. It is clear that embryo selection is the preferred route for a eugenics program as it can be utilized by most parents, provides significant gains (about one standard deviation per generation) and does not depend on significant contributions from the genetically elite. Again, the prerequisite for embryo selection is the luculent knowledge of this phenomenon in molecular detail.
Genetic engineering has some insurmountable ethical hurdles (using a human for experimental purposes and it might endanger the quality of life on the subject if it was allowed to develop), and it might not be cost effective (and it will probably only be utilized by the wealthy).