The veil is getting thicker and thicker everyday, I am positive of this, and it is very frightening. I am rarely shocked by anything anymore but dicussing the “ethical” use of eugenics really stretches the limit of rational thought.
We can’t get over our “selfish proclivities” as humans because we are more and more convinced every day as a race that we have ultimate control over our universe, people and events. We are more selfish now more than ever precisely because we refuse to extend charity to our families and our society. The wealthy refuse to have more children because they don’t want to “compromise” their careers and ultimately earn “less” money by having to give their money to other family members via shelter, food and clothing.
No amount of government entitlements will change the selfish want of money, resources and power. Pope Benedict just talked about the raping of the Third World by industrialized nations. Industrialized nations filled with people who are intelligent, capable and strong. Nations that subject the rest of the world, the inferior people you would love to euthanize, to poverty and disease. But yet you are arrogant enough to moralize from your ivory towers that we just need more of these types of people? Give me a break.
We can’t get over our “selfish proclivities” as humans because we are more and more convinced every day as a race that we have ultimate control over our universe, people and events. We are more selfish now more than ever precisely because we refuse to extend charity to our families and our society. The wealthy refuse to have more children because they don’t want to “compromise” their careers and ultimately earn “less” money by having to give their money to other family members via shelter, food and clothing.
No amount of government entitlements will change the selfish want of money, resources and power. Pope Benedict just talked about the raping of the Third World by industrialized nations. Industrialized nations filled with people who are intelligent, capable and strong. Nations that subject the rest of the world, the inferior people you would love to euthanize, to poverty and disease. But yet you are arrogant enough to moralize from your ivory towers that we just need more of these types of people? Give me a break.