Given that, there are really only two main alternatives: First, to accept that, as we accept any other scientific truth, and to draw the consequences. Second, to deny or ignore the truth, lie to ourselves and other people, for the purpose of being able to indulge in reality-denying fantasies which make us feel good.
You find human dignity important. So do I. But surely there must be something wrong with an idea of dignity which requires that we deny facts of life! What could be more insulting to the idea of human dignity than the second option above? You are a smart guy, but I think you should resolve these disturbing cognitive dissonances you suffer from.
I do believe the Black-White gap (one-standard deviation) to have be partly genetic. Although I haven’t read the literature as extensively as yourself, I read some of Rushton and Lynn’s papers.
I will concede that I used to “indulge in reality-denying fantasies which make us feel good” but since I was able to comprehend the content of the relevant papers, I found this extremely difficult and rather awkward. I cannot be intellectually dishonest to myself; I have read Gould, Kamin, Lewontin, and Rose, and I did not find their arguments convincing. Do you know why I am not a Roman Catholic? I am not capable of lying to myself and pretending that a communion wafer is a manifestation of the “Real Presence”. So the was inevitable that the wall of denial had to collapse.
I am able to show some of the evidence that convinced me (e.g. the black-white differences are strongly correlated (r = 0.48) to inbreeding depression scores. I do not know of any plausible cultural explanation that can explain the fact the inbreeding depression lowers scores on highly
g-loaded tests such as the RSPM. I am capable of posting this evidence to Vern, but it would be a painfully heartrending experience for me because I desperately want to deny it.
I can add this about eugenics based on what I have read in
Eugenics: A Reassessment: eugenics can be used for the purpose of human betterment and it would be ignorant to pretend that it is futile in this aspect (especially when one considers the advent of potential reproductive technologies). But one must ask, what do we have to sacrifice to achieve such a “magnanimous” end? In
Eugenics, I could not discern a scintilla of compassion from Lynn for the less fortunate; Lynn views them as an unnecessary burden to society. Commendably, Lynn’s analysis is immensely empirical, but perhaps it is too empirical. We have to forsake human dignity for the purpose of human betterment; we have to sell our souls (“souls” is a metaphor for our compassion and empathy). But is this worth it?
I will conclude by posting this entry from* Eugenics*:
*"Several of the mothers reported that they would not have hesitated to have abortions if they had been told that their children would have been born with multiple handicaps. One of the mothers said:
I can’t see the point in putting oneself through the strain of having such a seriously handicapped child. I don’t believe that anyone with their hand on their heart is really willing. I can honestly also see the pressures it puts on society. It’s an enormous cost. The same resources could have been channeled elsewhere, so that others could have become well again. I don’t think it’s right to bring a handicapped child into the world if it’s unnecessary. (p. 142)
… What Brinchmann describes is the reality of the lives of parents who have to rear children with genetic disorders. It is a very different portrayal sometimes given by those who had not had this personal experience. (Lynn, 2001: pg 68).
Adopting eugenics forces one to relinquish the concept of inherent human dignity and adopt the same attitude as the aforementioned mother. I do not see anything that would inhibit me from adopting this attitude: I do not believe that humans are created in God’s image. Instead, I believe the Terran flora and fauna are a product of a contingent, dysteleological process and the species
Homo sapiens is not an exception. I am aware of the power of the blind watchmaker by reading experiments of
in vitro ribozyme evolution, and my knowledge of molecular biology and biochemistry is a testimony to the power of the blind watchmaker. It has the potential to evolve complex biochemical pathways (e.g. Calvin cycle, light dependent reactions, glycolysis, citric acid cycle ,oxidative phosphorylation, protein synthesis, protein degradation (via. ubiquitination and the 26S proteosome)), but it also generates HIV that is resistant to AZT and other drugs (e.g. other reverse transcriptase inhibitors and protease inhibitors) used in HAART and other unpleasant pathogens.