Every day people in my church volunteer to make food for the homeless. The groups who help out vary. Some days the volunteers are parishoners and other days corporations help out. On certain days the LDS/Mormon Church helps out. Today my friend was the only Catholic in the group. One of the Mormon ladies asked her “Is this your Church” and my friend replied “yes” so the conversation ended. When everyone was done working, the lady handed two non-Mormon women LDS evangelical literature.
My friend was upset that this women was passing out LDS material in a Catholic Church. It made me think I should get some CAF tracts to hand out to the LDS members next time! Is it wrong to be upset that the LDS volunteer handed this out at our Church? If I hand out CAF material, will that “detract” from the spirit of working together ot help the homeless?
The LDS Church is very active in Japan as are evangelical Christians. I know evangelical Christans are also very active in China. Sometimes, as a Catholic, I feel that I am not doing enough to share my faith. I am working on it in baby steps. I know the Catholic institution as a whole is doing a lot of amazing work overseas, especially through acts of charity. Sometimes, I wonder if the laity are evangelizing with enough zeal though. Does anyone else feel this way?
I am going to contact CAF to inquire about translating their materials into Japanese. That way I could pass them out at Church, or purchase some and then donate it to the Church. That would help the English speakers but I would also like to be able to give these out to the Japanese. I will contact our local priest, who speaks much better Japanese than myself to see what they think about it.
If anyone else has any suggestions on how to reach out in a gentle way, please let me know. I have been reading up on Mormonism but don`t feel ready to discuss it with Mormons yet. In the interim, I wonder what CAF tracts would be most applicable to Mormons. I would welcome suggestions from former LDS members.
Please keep our Japanese brothers and sisters in your prayers.
My friend was upset that this women was passing out LDS material in a Catholic Church. It made me think I should get some CAF tracts to hand out to the LDS members next time! Is it wrong to be upset that the LDS volunteer handed this out at our Church? If I hand out CAF material, will that “detract” from the spirit of working together ot help the homeless?
The LDS Church is very active in Japan as are evangelical Christians. I know evangelical Christans are also very active in China. Sometimes, as a Catholic, I feel that I am not doing enough to share my faith. I am working on it in baby steps. I know the Catholic institution as a whole is doing a lot of amazing work overseas, especially through acts of charity. Sometimes, I wonder if the laity are evangelizing with enough zeal though. Does anyone else feel this way?
I am going to contact CAF to inquire about translating their materials into Japanese. That way I could pass them out at Church, or purchase some and then donate it to the Church. That would help the English speakers but I would also like to be able to give these out to the Japanese. I will contact our local priest, who speaks much better Japanese than myself to see what they think about it.
If anyone else has any suggestions on how to reach out in a gentle way, please let me know. I have been reading up on Mormonism but don`t feel ready to discuss it with Mormons yet. In the interim, I wonder what CAF tracts would be most applicable to Mormons. I would welcome suggestions from former LDS members.
Please keep our Japanese brothers and sisters in your prayers.