Catholic Faith Despite Church Scandals

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I’m not sure what you’re trying to say, but IF you are trying to say that the Church allows divorce for ‘cheating’, you’d be incorrect. Very incorrect.

As I understand it, The Church knows that divorce, while remaining a grave evil objectively, may be necessary in order to protect a spouse and/or children. But you don’t ‘get to’ divorce a spouse who cheats as a matter of course. IF the cheating behavior is dangerous to you or you simply cannot regain trust, the Church would permit you to separate, and even to divorce if you must do so to support yourself and your children, but you would still need to seek a decree of nullity in order to remarry.

A better way to phrase might be, "If your spouse cheats on you, and it is necessary for you and/or your children’s safety-physical, emotional, etc–to divorce, you may do so, but you may not remarry. If you believe that the spouse’s cheating was due to a condition that he had BEFORE your marriage, and which if you had known about, would have caused you NOT to marry him, you may seek a decree of nullity. IF it is shown that your spouse was not capable of entering into marriage due to that or other factors at the time of your marriage, you may receive a decree of nullity and then be free to marry again.
Of course if it is necessary. Even in the bible one has recourse to separate over an unfaithful spouse. Let’s not be so technical. I’m sure others got it.
It goes like this. Jesus showed there is evil in the church w the presence of Judas. He dealt w money!!!
When we are in church our spiritual and physical eyes are vertical in communion w God.Now, any offenders are immediately removed. So, after the which of discovery, we hope/trust that NOW, the church isn’t hiding the guilty anymore. We are left w Holy priests or SSA priests that are chaste and chaste pediophils. (unknown).
Jesus loves all. Pray for your enemies. Help the victims. Eventually, the pediophilia should wane out.
Our Hx. Our dogmas, Our sacraments are apostolic. The format of the mass has evolved from the days of the apostles. Some churches believe in the REAL PRESENCE. We surely do.
    WE TRY! Any unholy priests to Popes will be judged by God. No one,got lucky, by getting away w it.
God pls heal our victims. Let them realize they are not homosexuals. Give them courage to live life as Christ would want them too.
In Christ’s Love
Well, think of it like this:

-Many doctors have been accused of sexual assault, but we don’t deny the medical field and all the wonders it has performed.

-Many sports coaches have assaulted children, but we continue to watch and play sports.

-Many teachers have been convicted of sexual assault, but we continue to educate our children and value education.

So, although people have taken advantage of their positions in the Church, we must not forget that it doesn’t effect the Church itself and the doctrines it teaches. Always remember Matthew 16:18 “And so I say to you, you are Peter, and upon this rock I will build my church, and the gates of the netherworld shall not prevail against it.
i lived within a diocese that had many sex scandals among priests and a bishop.
it really disgusted me and i think i was anti-Catholic in a way because i was very critical of the Catholic church. i was not Catholic at the time.

however, sometime in the late 90’s, God began working on my heart and i became very disillusioned with Protestantism and began researching Catholicism.

in spite of the scandals, when Pope Benedict XVI became Pope, i saw that the Church was trying to change and implement ways to keep these kinds of men from becoming priests. the Church acknowledged its mistakes and apologized and is trying to prevent this from happening anymore.

so i converted when i saw Pope Benedict XVI was serious about trying to stop the abuse. and he worked with the victims and promised to make changes.

i like the Catholic faith and the Eucharist. i pray for the Church and the Bishops and the priests.
We are all sinners. Priests and Bishops are not exempt from that statement.

The Church still brings us the truth.
The Church still brings us the means of Salvation.
We are all sinners. Priests and Bishops are not exempt from that statement.

The Church still brings us the truth.
The Church still brings us the means of Salvation.
of course, we are all sinners, but the priests and bishops need our prayers.
How do you continue strong in your Catholic faith despite the sex abuse scandals that the church will undoubtedly have to deal with for many years to come?

I am struggling with this, which is why I ask.
Wherever you find people, you’ll find sin. The Church’s own teaching, her doctrine of “Original Sin”, explains and defines this truth. And Scripture helps define a principle: religious leaders aren’t always who they claim to be, even if their message is right. These people were highly respected in Jesus’s day:
Then Jesus said to the crowds and to his disciples: "The teachers of the law and the Pharisees sit in Moses’ seat. So you must be careful to do everything they tell you. But do not do what they do, for they do not practice what they preach. Matt 23:1-3
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