I am looking for catholic fellowship organizations for my son (he was raised catholic but fell away) who would like to learn more about the faith by meeting other Catholics. He has recently committed to becoming a Christian and spends regular time at Protestant churches where there are groups of people who after services, spend their whole Sunday afternoon fellowshipping with other brothers and sisters in Christ.
(I asked him to give fair time considering the Catholic faith. He agreed. So he tried a Catholic group and said he found it unfulfilling because no one wanted to talk about Christ or the Bible. I don’t know where to direct him to find that kind of fellowship. He likes to have serious conversations about Christianity and the Bible and he likes to do community service. He is a serious but sociable person.
I’ve combed the internet looking for a good fit and can’t find one. He is single and in his early 30’s
We live in the Philadelphia and Bucks County area.
Any catholic fellowship out there?
As a “revert” myself, I think I understand what you and he are looking for - and in my experience, it is rare and hard to find. It ought not be hard to find! But it is.
When I came back to the Church, I did so because I believed that the Catholic Church is the one Church instituted by Jesus Christ, possessing the one true and complete Gospel. To try to fellowship and worship anywhere else would make me part of the problem (the one Church is now fractured and divided, and the one message of the one Gospel is confused), and not part of the solution.
Since returning, I have begun to work in the Church for the kind of strong and fervent faith that makes believers want real Christian fellowship. That is, I have begun to work in programs to help adults know the Faith, to know Holy Scripture, to find Jesus in the Scripture, to find Catholic doctrine consistent with Scripture, to become rightly disposed to receive sacramental graces fruitfully, and so on. In other words, too many Catholics are as your son finds them - unwilling to talk much about their faith and about Jesus - because their faith is so unformed, so uninformed, so uncertain. We need comprehensive and substantive adult faith formation, including of course young adults - but ALL adults.
I can see now the dim beginnings of small groups such as your son seeks (ALL Christians ought to hunger for such fellowship!) - it is a slow and small beginning of what ought to be happening in every parish of our Church. But to date, it is not.
Concerning your son, I would tell him this: It is shameful to admit, but the Catholic Church is very weak (and shallow) in the fellowship he seeks. But the fact remains, the Catholic Church is the only place where he will find the
fullness of divine truth that Jesus Christ died on the Cross to give to him!
That fact - that this Church is the one true Church - is crucial and essential. What good is fellowship around faith in Jesus, when the Jesus who is believed in is a bit “off” from the one Jesus who IS? What good is it to have fellowship around the Gospel, when that “gospel” is part true but part false? The house and furnishings may look and feel great - but if the foundations of the house are unstable and faulty, what good will the house be when the storms come? A house must have a strong foundation - it must be the house built upon rock. That house is the one Church instituted by Christ Jesus.
Urge your son to seek above all, the Truth! Which church has the complete and true Gospel? Which Church knows and teaches the full revealed Truth about God? Find
that Church, and then seek fellowship there.