Pope Benedict has never approved of the wholesale adoption of yoga. He said, however, that it is ok to take bits and pieces from yoga as long as they don’t detract from God.I don’t really think so. If you were more familiar with the two types of Yoga mentioned you would know they are not just body exercises and meditation techniques. I don’t think the good Cardinal now Pope would approve the wholesale adoption of either of these types of Yoga. I have done some Pilates training and even in that, while the body movements and breating are fine, some of the instructors patter as to what was happening as one went through the motions was . Get a clue before you buy into these things lock, stock, and barrel. MacLean has a good fix on what goes on. It ain’t just breathing exercises.
God is First. Nothing in prayer should detract from that. Yoga can be transformed into meditation of God, the God of Christianity. I still do not see a problem.