Unfortunately, I threw away the issue in question. I believe the article appeared about a year ago–or a little more. It was written by one of their own editors. As I remember, it detailed an experience one of the assistant editors had concerning what she supposed was the spirit of deceased relative. At first, the article looked like some kind of a home repair story, if I remember correctly, then it went into the strange happenings around her home which she took to be her deceased relative. As I said, we were going to subscribe, but my wife wanted me to cancel after she read it–and I couldn’t disagree. (Before coming home to the Catholic Church, our family experienced what you might call spirtual attacks, and this kind of thing should not be taken so lightly.) Anyway, I’m sorry I can’t be more specific for you! If you thumb through a couple of years’ worth of old issues, I’m sure you’ll find it.What issue had the article about “house spirits”. (I don’t have a subscription my mom does so I only read it when I visit. I want to check this out.)
What do you mean about the editor’s being polite? I think saying something like that is unwise (it could be uncharitable) but now that it’s out there, how are they impolite?
Yes, This Rock is better for deep discussions but Faith & Family is about family issues. This Rock is awesome but it can’t be all things to all people.
The other comment was just a passing aside. As a writer, I have had business contacts with many publications–e.g*. This Rock, America, The National Catholic Weekly, Our Sunday Visitor*, and non-Catholic magazines and publishing houses, etc. The editors with whom I have worked and corresponded have always been gracious and more than kind and professional, *but *Faith and Family was just a little peculiar. Impolite is how I would describe it, but I wouldn’t put too much emphasis on that. We all have bad days, and poor communications on the part of a particular publication’s staff shouldn’t necessarily affect others’ enjoyment of the magazine. It was probably just a bad week for the particular employee. I would suggest you give them the benefit of the doubt on this. If you want more information, you can contact me off the board or through the Catholic Writers’ Guild. Gotta scoot…