Catholic Men, what gifts would you like to receive?

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If I may suggest… instead of gift cards to the major retailers, give one for local small businesses.

Our little village has local small businesses that specialize in hiking and outdoor activities (called, coincidentally, “Happy Hiker”) , an independently owned bookstore (with books that are specific to our region), or even a religious gift shop attached to a local shrine. That way, your giving also extends to small businesses that may be struggling in these times.

When I do give my husband a gift card, I make going with him to spend it part of the gift… include lunch or dinner with the outing, and show him you care by expressing interest in learning more about him while he shops. Believe me, nothing excites my husband so much as when I go with him to spend his home improvement store gift card and he shows me what he’s getting and tells me what he’s going to do with it. It’s like watching a little kid get excited over his toy dinosaurs!
Go for an item that is sure to come in handy at some point and doesn’t take a lot of space. Maybe something he’d hesitate to spend a little extra money on, like a high quality flashlight, or a small Swiss Army knife (scissors, a blade, and a couple more tools, but not a humongous thing he’ll never put in his pocket). Objects can be seen as a burden, so be careful not to make clutter a concern. Gift cards add to things-to-do (gotta keep track of and use that gift card…), so give that a pass. Think small and practical.
I know a knife was previously suggested, but as a variant on that: not all guys might need / use a hunting-type knife, but almost all guys could use a Swiss Army Knife, one with multiple blades/tools.
I don’t know about other guys but I absolutely enjoy gifts that are a reflection of my personality, interests, and hobbies. For example my wife knows that Anything to do with Game of Thrones I will like it. Whether it’s socks, t-shirts, art, books, or a replica of Jon Snow’s sword Longclaw. If it has Game Of Thrones slapped on it I would like it. Lol
My husband likes being asked what he’d like. 😉

Would your guy enjoy you signing both of you up for Fr Mike Schmidt’s new Bible Study and providing you both coffee while you discuss it together once a week? That my kind of gift - but I’m pretty social within my family circle.

If your guy is more of an introvert, maybe he’d enjoy one of Cardinal Sarah’s new-ish books like The Day is Far Spent or the one about silence.

Re: hiking, I just got myself a stick while out hiking and started carving in the name of each trail I’ve hiking. I think that could be a cool gift. Just use something better then a nail file to etch the words in. 😉
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If he prays the rosary I might consider compiling a picture book of different pieces of art from the internet depicting the mysteries! Us men are visual creatures so the visual image to focus us as we pray might be awesome.
Near camping and fishing gear.

Oops! 😊 Wrong post!
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EWTN bookstore has loads of books on theology but if you probe a little deeper perhaps you could find out he has a favorite catholic hero like St. Francis or someone like that you could get him a biography.
If he is an outdoor guy a knife is a must. Check out Benchmade for knives that are well made.
A subscription to his favorite technology or car magazine is always welcome.
If he is a tool guy go carefully. I am a toolaholic and am very selective on the name brand and quality of the tools I have. dont go to harbor freight for a quality tool.
I would love a new Sunday Missal. You know that big black book the old timers in church bring with.
I made a photo album for my wife last year. I had photos of our last 2 vacations and she loved it. Guys like that thing too, at least I do. Also a 6 pack of imported beers from the old country go over well here. Good luck and have a wonderful Christmas.
I love knives too! I also collect straight razors and have learned to use one as well. the craftsmanship is a real draw.
Best gift I’ve received in quite some time is the 4 volume set of Liturgy of the Hours.

I also acquired a copy of Divine Intimacy & I’m most likely getting another copy that I could gift to someone this Christmas.

I’d like for someone to gift me one of those Rugged Rosaries.

Pictures. I’d love to get framed pictures or even an album of pictures that I’m too lazy to do for myself.
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