WASHINGTON (CNS) – Despite differences, there are many parallels in the way Catholics and Methodists foster and express communion with God and one another through their respective church structures, says a report released May 13 by the U.S. Catholic-United Methodist dialogue. The 20,000-word report, titled “Through Divine Love: The Church in Each Place and All Places,” is the result of nine dialogue sessions over the past five years. Through the biblical concept of koinonia – communion or fellowship – it clarifies the theology of the church as developed in the Catholic and Methodist traditions, with their different understandings of local and universal church. It explores the church as a means of grace and differences and commonalities in Catholic and Methodist views of mission, baptism and Eucharist. In its conclusion the report cites “the imperative of common mission for all.” It encourages Catholics and Methodists to continue current collaboration and develop new ways of “deepening common witness.”