I really think if Mary was dethroned from Catholicism, then alot of Protestants would “come home to Rome”, but for us it is a huge barricade.
Warm Regards,
I will pray for you. Please, please, please go to the Catholic Answers bookstore and order St. John Henry Newman’s “Mary, the Second Eve,” compiled by Sister Eileen Breen, F.M.A. St. John Henry Newman is a convert from Protestantism. If you are unable to purchase it, please pm me and I will be happy to arrange to purchase it for you, such is the importance of understanding the Church’s Theological Anthropology and Christology for that matter.
from page 25:
“…few Protestants have any real perception of the the doctrine of God and man in one Person. They speak in a dreamy, shadowy way of Christ’s divinity; but, when their meaning is sifted, you will find them very slow to commit themselves to any statement sufficient to express the Catholic dogma…Then when they comment on the Gospels, they will speak of Christ, not simply and consistently as God, but as a being make up of God and man, partly one and partly the other, or between both, or as a man inhabited by a special divine presence…and they are shocked, and think it a mark both of reverence and good sense to be shocked, when they hear the Man spoken of simply and plainly as God. They cannot bear to have it said, except as a figure or mode of speaking, that God had a human body, or that God suffered; they think that the “Atonement”, and “Sanctification through the Spirit”, as they speak is the sum and substance of the Gospel, and they are shy of any dogmatic expression which goes beyond them…”
And Mary has everything to do with God become man (Jn 1:14). "And so of the great Mother of God, as far as a creature can be like the Creator; her ineffable purity and utter freedom from any shadow of sin, her Immaculate Conception, her ever-virginity–these her prerogatives (in spite of her extreme youth at the time when Gabriel came to her) are such as to lead us to exclaim in the prophetic words of Scripture, both with awe and with exultation, "Thou art the glory of Jerusalem and the joy of Israel; thou artr the honour of our people; therefor hath the hand of the Lord strengthened thee, and therefore art thou blessed for ever (Judith 9:10-11).