I suggest that predestination to grace is a different sort of predestination than predestination to glory. Sometimes people often think of them as the same thing, and I don’t think that proposition is either Biblically or Traditionally supportable.
Even St. Augustine taught that those given the gift of faith may not have received the gift of final perseverance. (Yet, Calvinists think of St. Augustine as some sort of proto-Calvinist ) St. Paul also asserts that not all Christians receive the same gifts.
Why doesn’t God give everybody the same gifts? Why doesn’t God give the gift of faith together with the gift of final perseverance? I dunno. However, it is clear from Scripture and Tradition and reason, that He does not.
Even St. Augustine taught that those given the gift of faith may not have received the gift of final perseverance. (Yet, Calvinists think of St. Augustine as some sort of proto-Calvinist ) St. Paul also asserts that not all Christians receive the same gifts.
Why doesn’t God give everybody the same gifts? Why doesn’t God give the gift of faith together with the gift of final perseverance? I dunno. However, it is clear from Scripture and Tradition and reason, that He does not.